Medical How should I go about this ethical question at Caribbean school?

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Mar 12, 2013
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I'm embarrassed asking that I even thought about asking this but... (ethics question in last paragraph if you don't want to read the whole thing)

I go to a Carib school and took cbse comp test as a prereq for step 1. We received comp results and then an email today mentioning some prereqs before we take step 1. It says that we need to do an additional 8900 usmle style questions, along with review 335(!) hours of book/video material divided by subject instead of system, and submit official score reports from 6 nbme exams, with proof that we took them in standard timing.

They give us a rubric where we have to fill the plans for each day counting only days after the cbse exam, mentioning what subject we studied, how many questions per day, etc. This means that the earliest it is mathematically possible for anyone to take step 1 is the middle of November. I then have to take a month or so to write and have a research paper graded before starting rotations.

Would any of the advisors on here consider trying to fudge numbers in order to take step sooner (like counting double speed video hours as 2 hours of studying. That is the main thing I am trying to resist doing), or is that unethical? I never thought I would ask something like this, and 90% decided I will probably just follow their rules, but just curious what others would do. Thanks for your time!

edit: The reason I'm so antsy is because the semester ended in April.
1. Don't go to the Caribbean...

2. No, don't LIE.

I don't think you're going to get much love on this question here.

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