Medical How should I move forward?

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Jun 11, 2010
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Hello I would like some guidance on what would be a better move for me.
I am studying to retake MCAT and plan to take it in the early 2021 year. However, I am considering also retaking a few of my classes that I didn’t do well in. I am an older student so I know the odds are against me in that regard. But I am willing to give it another try.
I took MCAT 3 times in 2016. I ONLY applied 1 time because I was sure I would do well.
My practice exam showed an nice increase but when I took the exam my score was not good. I am considering DO....what’s best for me at this point? I didn’t even want to start the application process until next year.
What were your scores?


Your MCAT has expired and so you will need to retake it; only do this when you are 100% ready.

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My GPA was low...I should have left and took an incomplete until I was sure I could concentrate but instead I took the route of trying to complete my classes because I could see my mother was getting ill.
Well it took a term for the worse and so did my grades. I know the courses I did bad in but I wasn’t sure if I should go ahead a do a masters or post Bacc or just retake those courses. My MCAT score were very low.
The last one ONLY increased by 10 points or so but the practice test I took were high scores like 514,509.

I know it doesn’t look good. I am much older than the average applicant but I owe it to myself to try again. I was scheduled to take MCAT and backed out because I didn’t see enough of a jump to feel like I would do well.

I figured I would ask anonymously because of such negative push back that I never get much of an answer. Anyways, Thank You kindly for your response. I Really do appreciate it.

Look up my post on REINVENTION for premeds
FYI: Just because you are older doesn't necessarily put you at a disadvantage (especially for DO schools). I think the disadvantage comes because a lot of older applicants are trying to go into medicine as a second career and may not have done as well in school before.

When you say low GPA, I am worried cause now you have a low GPA and low MCAT which means you probably don't have a solid set of ECs either. First things first you need to get the GPA in the competitive range which you need to do the post-bac for.

When did you take these MCAT practice tests? On the practice tests, you scored 514 and 509? If so, those are pretty solid scores. If you can repeat this on test day, you should set yourself up nicely for a DO acceptance (pending a solid performance on your post-bac and solid ECs).
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