Pre-Dental Ask Me Anything (AMA) Threads

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Jan 21, 2009
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Below is a list of pre-dental Ask Me Anything (AMA) threads sorted by start date.
If you have additional threads to suggest, please post them below and they will be added to the list. Your post will be deleted once the directory is updated. Thanks to all our members who have contributed AMAs to our community!

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i have a question. I'm starting college soon and i've planned my schedual but i have on Tuesdays and thursdays Anatomy/Physiology 1 two hours before my Chemistry Lab. There are no other earlier A&P1 classes or later Chem Lab classes (not even on Mon, wend, and fridays). Will this be a problem???
Hi doctors,
Any recomendation about how did you manage to select 5 courses (15 credits) per semester and pass all with A in your Biology undergrad.

Which undergrad you think is easier to get 5 courses (15 credits)?

Thank you !
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i have a question. I'm starting college soon and i've planned my schedual but i have on Tuesdays and thursdays Anatomy/Physiology 1 two hours before my Chemistry Lab. There are no other earlier A&P1 classes or later Chem Lab classes (not even on Mon, wend, and fridays). Will this be a problem???
Sounds normal to me.
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AMA DS1 Texas
@WildWing If you're still updating this, I got mine to add!

@WildWing If you're still updating this, I got mine to add!

It's been added!
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