General Pre-PA; Am I in good shape to apply?

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Oct 27, 2013
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Hey everyone! Just looking for some advice/ input/ personal experience with applying to PA school.

I graduated in May 2019 with a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology with stats that were subpar at best. I’ve always known I wanted to be in medicine but struggled a lot with my science courses in undergrad. Since graduating I’ve retaken every single pre req (plus additional science classes) averaging about a 3.8 in my last 40 credits (still taking classes in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021.) I’m planning to apply in June 2021 and at that time I will have 60 PostBac credits.

Im hopeful to continue with an upwards trend for the remainder of my classes which should give me the following stats by June 2021:

cgpa: 3.2


In terms of PCE/HCE/Shadowing hours:

I’m an ER scribe with about 1000 hours, planning to take my NREMT this month (delayed due to COVID) and I will begin working as an EMT as soon as I get my certification. I have about 200 HCE as a PT Aide, 300 as a Pharmacy Tech, and about 250 PCE through a trip to Nicaragua with Global Medical Brigades. I’m hoping to have well over 2000 hours by the time I apply.
I work with many ED PA’s whom I have and plan to continue to shadow. I’ve also shadowed an Oncology PA for about 20 hours.

I have not taken my GRE yet but plan to take it in October.

I’m mostly applying to schools who do more holistic admissions and consider a last 60 credit gpa along with a pre req grade replacement policy with hopes to emphasize my upwards trend in grades.

What do you guys think about my stats?? Do any of you have experience applying as a low gpa non traditional student?? Do you guys have any tips for what I can improve? Tips for CASPA?

Any advice/ input in general would be extremely helpful!! Thank you in advance!!
Is the 3.2/3.2 current or projected after this next year of continued classes? 3.2 is doable especially with the upward trend you describe, but not easy. If you can get it up to 3.3-3.4 range, with the upward trend you'll be in a much better spot. This will depend on the number of credits you have in total versus the number you'll be taking of course as to whether or not it's possible.

Get some primary care shadowing in, and shadow a few doctors as well. This will demonstrate that you have at least a basic understanding of the similarities and differences from direct observation, and thus are making a more well-informed decision for PA which plays in your favor.

Anything interesting in your background? Past career? Sometimes this can play a role as a non-trad as well.

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The 3.2/3.2 is projected after this next year of classes.
It would take me a few more years to get my gpa in the 3.3/3.4 range bc of the number of credits I have already, definitely over 200.

I’ve shadowed some ER doctors that I work with but I can look into more primary care shadowing opportunities.

Do you think I should emphasize my
PCE/HCE (as emt/ ED scribe) more and focus on getting more hours since increasing my gpa over a 3.2 wouldn’t be possible unless I did a masters?? How would you recommend addressing bad grades in the beginning of college vs. the upwards trend? Is this something I should address in my personal statement or just brush on the subject and focus more during an interview, if granted one?

thanks so much for
Do you think I should emphasize my
PCE/HCE (as emt/ ED scribe) more and focus on getting more hours since increasing my gpa over a 3.2 wouldn’t be possible unless I did a masters??

Hard to say focus on HCE because with 3.2 projected, you need to focus on school to actually reach that, but you also can't slack with HCE. Kind of of a catch 22 in a way. Need to focus on both.

How would you recommend addressing bad grades in the beginning of college vs. the upwards trend? Is this something I should address in my personal statement or just brush on the subject and focus more during an interview, if granted one?

Depends on reasoning/situation. I'd rather hear about you in a personal statement, not reasons behind grades. If they overlap, sure. Otherwise make the personal statement personal. Discuss changes made and grade improvement when asked such as if it arises during an interview.
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