Quite simply I need a proffessional opinion

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Oct 5, 2016
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I am by no means certified to treat animals and obviously any advice should any be giving I hold absolutely noone liable for any wanted or unwanted outcomes that may occur based upon what I choose to do with advice given.

The bottom line is I am in no financial situation to pay for this suffering animals treatment. Irregardless I love this animal dearly and wish to end it's discomfort as soon as possible. I simply need verification as to whether or not the visible irritation seen on the dogs paws is in fact Pododermatitis. Prior to ordering medication with the last 100$ to my name, I was looking for a second opinion to confirm that ideed this is the said ailment (the only one that seems to populate in google for paws)

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Hello there.

Unfortunately, medical advice is not allowed to be given via SDN. In any case, making a simple visual diagnosis from a few pictures without an actual in-person physical exam and/or additional diagnostics such as a skin scrape or bacterial culture might lead to further issues. I would suggest making an appointment with your local veterinarian. If finances are an issue, some may have care credit or a similar type of payment plan to offer. Your local humane society may be another place to check out.

Best of luck.
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Just so you're aware - "pododermatitis" is really just a descriptive word for pretty much any kind of inflammation of the skin of the foot, so it's not a specific disease that can be treated with a specific medication. It can be caused by a number of different bacterial or fungal infections (which may also be secondary to another underlying problem), parasites, allergies, autoimmune disease, metabolic disease, &c. Without actually seeing the dog there's no way to tell what the problem actually is, let alone recommend an appropriate treatment.

This also is not a professional setting, so you can't get a professional opinion here. Half of us are students, and those who are licensed doctors aren't allowed (by board rules or legally, in some jurisdictions) to give medical advice on the forum.

I'd recommend looking into the local SPCA, humane society, &c. Some shelters have low-cost clinics that may be able to handle something like this, whereas we definitely can't diagnose or prescribe anything over a message board (and I can't recommend ordering meds yourself; you can't trust that you're getting the right drug for the problem, the right dosage, or even that the seller is providing you with appropriate quality medications). A few places may also be able to offer care credit or payment plans.

Unfortunately the worst-case scenario may be having to give the dog up to a shelter. I don't like to say it any more than you like to hear it, but if you're in a place where you're not able to support an animal, it may end up being the best thing for their health. But for now just keep that in mind as a last resort and try to look into low-cost clinics in your area first.

Good luck. I hope everything works out okay.
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