Medical Should I send a second LOI?

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Sep 30, 2008
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To whoever can help,

First, thank you for taking the time to read my post and give advice! I've had two interviews. Between two schools, School A is my top choice. (School A and School B honestly rank very comparatively so it's not like one is way more prestigious than the other. I like School A more for the location, close support system, etc.)

I got waitlisted at both schools, and sent a LOI to School A. Few weeks later, I got an acceptance at School B. While I am so grateful and fortunate to have this acceptance, I still would love to go to School A. I PTE'd at School B so School A can now see that I hold an acceptance somewhere else right?

My main question is- do I send another letter to School A saying while I'm fortunate to have an acceptance at another allopathic medical school, I would still attend School A if accepted (and drop School B's). I'm worried because I don't have anything else to write in this letter- I don't have any updates to give. And I felt that my LOI that I sent to School A was strong- I guess now I just wish I didn't send it when I didn't have any acceptances at that point.

Thanks again for reading and helping me out!
You are correct that sending another LOI almost certainly won't help because you won't say anything different than you did in the first. And most of the time the first LOI doesn't do anything anyways.

It is also unlikely to hurt, so if sending another LOI gives you peace of mind to know "you did every thing you could" then keep it short and sweet. "I'm very fortunate to have received an acceptance this cycle, but for the reasons I have previously expressed I feel that School A would be the ideal environment for me."

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