Medical Should I take online summer 2021 biochem + cell bio classes?

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Sep 30, 2008
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Hello, I'm a sophomore currently planning on applying during the 2022-2023 cycle. This summer I'm interested in taking biochemistry and cell biology online without lab (either online or in-person) at an institution other than my main 4-year. My main institution offers cell bio in the fall and biochem next spring both in-person, but I'd prefer to complete both courses before I study for the MCAT this upcoming fall/winter. The professor who teaches both courses at my institution also has a reputation for teaching from outdated materials (e.g. papers dating from 1978), and I'm concerned that I would not be sufficiently prepared for the MCAT with such a curriculum. I do see several potential red flags with my plan, however, namely:

1. The classes will be online, and med schools will likely be less lenient given summer 2021 is not affected by COVID to the same extent summer 2020 was.
2. I'll be taking them without lab, as cell bio lab is not offered. In-person biochem lab is offered, but I'm hesitant to take it given I would have to find summer housing, and most schools seem to require only biochem lecture.
3. I'll be taking them over the summer, which may make it appear as if I'm unable to handle large course loads during the semester.

Taken all together, would it be in my best interest to re-evaluate taking biochem + cell bio this summer?
Check the requirements for schools you’re considering applying to to make sure they don’t require these in person or with lab. Otherwise no one will care.

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Agree. Some schools may require you to have a lab with these courses. I would make sure to do your due diligence in seeking this information out. For the schools that do not care, it won't matter if it's online or not.
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