General Should you discuss overcoming addiction in interview?

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10+ Year Member
Mar 12, 2013
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Would be best to put yourself in the best light? or be truthful and talk about the insecurities that you've overcome?
Can you please clarify with examples?

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Yeah this is something where the details make all the difference. If you struggled in freshman year adjusting to college, dealt with self-doubt concerns, and then overcame that to succeed--great! If you just got out of drug rehab last week and this opened your eyes to how you need to take care of yourself better... probably not such a good story to share.

This is such a broad question that it's impossible to have a helpful answer unless you provide additional details.
Let's say you beat a drug addiction 6 months ago? How would that be viewed? Now what if it was a gaming addiction? gambling addiction? porn addiction? (not illegal).
Again, if you could tell us the specifics we can kinda tell you how we think you should go about this. Unless you are saying you had all these...
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Addicted to spending time with friends and family is good.

Addicted to most other things prolly not worth sharing.
Totally agree with one caveat.
Unless it has a bearing on licensure that has a record (so if did you face criminal sanction for it), and failing to disclose that in the appropriate section of the application has major consequences.

There is one hard to pin one that if admitted to, you will definitely not be considered which is related to the Larry Nassar problem.

I really would not talk about this unless you are mandated to. Even "harmless" addictions like Candy Crush Saga raise some flags with people.
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