Medical What should I do if I failed to report alcohol IA?

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SDN Chief Administrator
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15+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Hello, I recently realized after talking with a friend that a dorm violation for having alcohol is included in the definition of an Institutional Action. The story involved being in my friends dorm room, hitting my head when I fell, and her calling the IA. I was extremely drunk, and they ended up called the ambulance and transporting me. The story detailed is extremely embarrassing and even includes an excerpt that goes something like her crawling/walking to the bathroom to throw up and staring off into space, as if getting transported wasn't enough.

I have already interviewed at one school where they asked me in the interview if "I had anything to discuss" with them. I am pretty sure they were referencing my disciplinary record, and I stupidly said no because I genuinely did not think I did. However, his response was "good, that is what we like to hear." I did send them my disciplinary record in August and again before I interviewed in September. It is now December and I have not heard anything yet. Do I send them an email letting them know that I forgot to disclose this information and apologize profusely. How detailed should I be about the event in my apology? Right now I have basically brushed over the event and talked about how it has allowed me to grow with academics and the required alcohol class. I figure they can see it all if they want to know. Is this the wrong approach?

I additionally have another school that I am scheduled to interview with this month and am undecided on how I will let them know. Should I wait until the interview and see if they ask so i can disclose it in person or send it after the interview if not? I also have viewed the electronic record, and I am afraid that they update the people who have viewed the record with a time stamp.

I realize that I must send emails to both of the schools updating them on my disciplinary record. Am I doomed to get two rejections? Will they see integrity in me claiming my mistakes? If I wait until the end of December to send my apology email and there is some kind of time stamp on the record dating 12/1, will they view this as even further dishonesty?
It is what it is at this point.

I think you should just be honest, and be brief--you didn't "forget" to disclose, you genuinely did not realize that this was included in the definition of an IA. So tell them that it has recently come to your attention that this incident is detailed in your school's disciplinary record, and you are now disclosing this information as required. Unclear from your post how long ago this occurred, but hopefully you can tell them that this happened several years ago, was a one-time event which you learned from and it has not impacted your performance since.

Leave it at that, as what else is there really to say? How this affects your chances probably depends on how long ago this occurred, and how strong the rest of your application is, but none of us has a crystal ball to guess how these specific schools will respond.

This whole time stamp business I think is mostly you being paranoid, but I would send both messages now--I'm sure both schools have seen the record, and regardless of whether they care about it they won't view you disclosing it negatively. If you're going to address it, there is basically no reason to wait to do it in person or to wait until the end of December.

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So it sounds like you just recently found it this was an official IA AFTER you interviewed right? Because if you knew prior to and said no in your primary and secondary app as well as the interview then I would not be surprised they say you will not be accepted. BUT, if you actually did not know until after you interviewed then I would say you should disclose it. Agree with stating how it was a one time thing and how you have grown from it and that you can guarantee that the behavior will not happen while you are in school and/or that it will not effect your ability to get through the program or effect your duties at all.
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