Medical Will a LOA for family issue (parent dying of cancer) be a red flag on medical school app?

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Member Question
Volunteer Staff
Mar 22, 2021
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One of my parents has end-stage cancer, and help is needed at home. My university is too far away to make the drive multiple times a week.

I understand I can explain these issues on my application, but I'm wondering what effects it would have. Does an LOA where I do no pre-med activities look bad? Would a GPA hit make me less competitive despite the explanation?

My question essentially boils down to "Can legitimate excuses on an application make up for the effect it has on my activities and GPA?"


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Take the LOA. You'll explain the circumstances. No one will hold this against you. It's the best thing to do for your career, for your family, and for you.

It's horrible that this is happening to you, nothing I say is going to make it any easier. But focus on what you need. Med school will still be there for you.
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Take the LOA. You have a very good and understandable reason. A dip in your grades will be much harder to explain after the fact.
If I take an LOA right now in the middle of a term, I will most likely get a notation on my transcript saying that I dropped classes. Is this still okay?

Yes. Much better than getting poor grades
To answer your question: You get no bonus sympathy points. Don't risk it.

Take the LOA and be with your family. Stop believing an LOA will destroy any chance of getting into medical school.
Very, very sorry to hear about this!

Take the LOA. This is exactly what they were made for and no Adcom in the world would fault you for this.

Trying to bulldoze yur way through school when you're not at your best is not what Adcoms want to see.

Take all the time you need to grieve and heal, as well. Med schools aren't going anywhere.
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