Medical Will withdrawing from a class in my last semester potentially affect my standing acceptance offer?

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SDN Chief Administrator
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15+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2008
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I know it's not pretty and I am very embarrassed, but I have to deal with my reality.

I have been accepted into DO school and have paid my deposit, planning to matriculate in Fall. I am currently finishing my last semester in undergrad, to graduate in May. I took an advanced course that I do not need to graduate (and do not need to matriculate into my DO school), and am not finding that I just do not have the prerequisite knowledge this class relies on. I am doing poorly in the class and am considering taking a W.

My question is: If I take a W, will this affect my standing offer? (Is it possible my DO school could rescind the acceptance offer?)
No, I can't imagine they would care.

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