Recent content by Agast

  1. Agast

    How long after surgery before SCS trial?

    I was told chronic pain syndrome is the secondary diagnosis, you cannot bill it as the primary diagnosis. At least for private insurance. ICD 10 code list for SCS coverage at the bottom here. Please note that even though lumbar radiculitis is a supported code, the patient is still required to...
  2. Agast

    How long after surgery before SCS trial?

    I do a caudal ESI before I commit to a stim trial. SI joint injections if exam is appropriate. That pushes the stim trial closer to 8-9 months post op where you will have a better idea of how permanent the radiculitis is.
  3. Agast

    What to do with patient?

    If they don’t have money for an elective surgery they can elect to do it later. Sometimes the ASC will work out a payment plan where they pay half first and then make installments. But collecting nothing on big cases is a great way to run your business into the ground. ASC doesn’t operate on...
  4. Agast

    What to do with patient?

    Your ASC should be collecting the patient portion before they allow the surgery to proceed
  5. Agast

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    Do you live next to Alito?
  6. Agast

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    His supporters think that the Democrat leaders are felons who never got caught, so in their mind it has already happened
  7. Agast

    What to do with patient?

    The patch isn’t 100% empty after a week. They could wear it another 4-5 days and there’s your taper
  8. Agast

    Therapeutic genicular blocks ?

    Who is your Medicare carrier? I know there are regional differences between Novitas, Noridian etc
  9. Agast

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    There’s something bipolar about doctors insisting that we are watering down the admission pool to medical school, but then it’s near impossible to get an appointment with a physician and I have to see the PA.
  10. Agast

    DEI is ruining UCLA. Seems the DEI pendulum swings too far the wrong way.

    Are you seeing a correlation with the residents with lower skills being in the DEI group? Whereas the great ones are consistently white males? Just curious no snark.
  11. Agast

    Oregon pain clinic defrauding insurers

    When did COVID testing become mandatory? People refused all the time.
  12. Agast

    Oregon pain clinic defrauding insurers

    If you ever get a peer to peer prior auth and they ask you how much you’re injecting, tell them 1.5 mL. Or straight to jail.
  13. Agast

    Crnas won’t work 7-5 (4 days a week) for 350k all Fridays off 1099 8 weeks off

    Bruh, the CRNA PhDs are not going into computer science.
  14. Agast

    Crnas won’t work 7-5 (4 days a week) for 350k all Fridays off 1099 8 weeks off

    Access to a real physician nowadays *is* a luxury. Most patients get regulated to a midlevel for their clinic follow-ups or a CRNA does their anesthesia. When people tell me their doctor said XYZ half the time it’s a PA/NP giving them advice.
  15. Agast

    Crnas won’t work 7-5 (4 days a week) for 350k all Fridays off 1099 8 weeks off

    Like being an CRNA, PhD instead of wasting time on an MD ;)