Recent content by applejuice1979

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    National's Deans List

    Yeah. Who's Who was great in high school, but this time around I tossed the envelope away after I read the info. I would rather list true awards from my community & university than this false award given to me by people who don't know anything about me & my accomplishments. It is a...
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    Best FM Programs?

    Why is your earning potential so flushed? Won't you be able to have your own practice and create your own earnings eventually? I think you'll be able to live on your salary as a FP
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    Is it wrong to tell 2 schools that they are your # 1 choice?

    If I had seen this question a month ago, I would have said yes, it's wrong. But now that I've heard that schools know where you've been accepted and may use this in their decisions about your application. I'm not so sure. If this is true, I don't think it's fair that schools know your...
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    Which schools you would NOT reapply to & reasons?

    Finch, Boston U., and George Washington
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    PostBACC or MPH? which one do they prefer

    The question is 'which one do you prefer?' And not all post-baccs make you repeat lower division work. Search for the other threads about post-baccs
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    Need a little URM help. . .

    Hi Jamaican MD. I have a lot of advice to share. If you plan on taking the August MCAT, enroll in a prep class and focus. If you can't afford the prep class, buy the materials from someone. You should let this be your main focus this summer. Forget the hanging out & wasting time watching...
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    any SLU interviewees from beginning of April hear anything???

    They are pretty speedy usually. I don't want to elevate or deflate your hope, but the school may be undecided on you, but not wanting to place you on a waiting list just yet if at all.
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    Why do WHITES complain about AA???

    I think the answer to this question was best stated by ready in the "Black Excel Tips" thread: We must understand that these arguments about the MCAT and A.A. are arguments about the symptoms of a problem, not the actual problem. In order to fix these symptoms we must fix the actual problem...
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    Why is diversity of ethnicity sooo important?

    I understand what you all are trying to get across: that race is not the only factor for diversity. But you have to agree that regardless of socioeconomic background, people of the same cultural background tend to carry similar ideas about other cultures and ideologies. Not saying that every...
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    What does an internal medicinist do?

    This was an excellent link! Thanks
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    What does an internal medicinist do?

    I am still trying to clarify for myself what all of the different specialties do. I guess a better question would be what would one do in an internal medicine residency? What do you do in practice?
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    SLU Rejection

    Hey JBJ. Sorry it didn't work out with SLU. If I recall correctly, you did not want to relocate your family. I just want to let you know that it can be done. Friends of mine were from North Carolina. She went to UNC-Chapel Hill for med school, while he moved out to California for work...
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    California: Will the state have excess physicians?

    There is no such thing as an excess of doctors until there is one doctor for each person. I think that there may be an excess of California pre-meds who want the traditional "cushy" physician jobs, but there are many underserved communities here (from the Oregon border to the Mexican border)...
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    Any good places to live in St. louis

    Try this website: There are a couple of different links on this page that you can do searches from. Good luck!
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    SIU - any good? and for residency?

    As you know, SIU is a much cheaper school than most--even for out-of-staters. It has a good reputation in all primary care fields and is constantly ranked well in any list you can find (US News, etc.). Most people who are accepted come from rural areas, want to serve in rural areas, or have...