Recent content by BellKicker

  1. BellKicker

    CT A/P for pancreatitis

    Agree with the above. I lean towards scanning sicker patients - and I base that on leukocytosis, lipase level (although I shouldn't), lactate, ca (often forgotten but you look like a rock star if it's low) and fever. Basically, a poor man Ranson's. The decision tree in my mind leads to two...
  2. BellKicker

    Emergency Room Bill

    Oh God, you people. I'm C-Gar on this one. I stopped taking my kids to urgent care when I realized I would shell out $500 just to hear a pediatrician tell me they were probably ok ("but come back if they get worse"). Health care is just too damn expensive in this country. You all know...
  3. BellKicker

    Any Cook County people out there?

    I'm in the class of 2011 (starting next summer). Anyone else out there? Either PM me or respond here. Thanks, BK
  4. BellKicker

    Do you use Lovenox in patients with renal insufficiency?

    What kind of GFR do these patients have. What sort of Lovenox dosing are we talking? Prophylactic dosing or 1mg/kg BID? Usually, you're safe to use prophylactic dosing (40 mg) until GFR drops below 30. Then you use 30 until the patient is ESRD. Then, you need to use UF heparin (5000 U q8h)...
  5. BellKicker

    Drat these patients not giving me a good cpc case

    Great case. Do you have the following tests: Haptoglobin Retics Peripheral smear I, personally, would put DIC on the back burner for now. What exactly was the fibrinogen, by the way? TTP would not come with elevated coags. I like babesiosis or, alternatively, ehrlichiosis...
  6. BellKicker

    The Rearview Mirror: Match Day Edition

    Is this really how med students view sub-Is? Maybe I have been a little blue eyed but it seems to me most M4s like "playing doctor" before real life starts next year. And it's not like I have much to do with their evals, either, so I don't think they are all just trying to suck up. I love...
  7. BellKicker


    Matched - at my #1!!! (It was the only four year program I applied to and the message said "advanced spot but no intern year match") Congrats to everyone:)
  8. BellKicker

    General Practitioner

    Yes, you most certainly can. When you say "volunteer", I am thinking some kind of free primary care clinic; I know several non-generalist physicians doing this. Do they always know what they are doing? No, but they truly do their best and - obviously - work for free.
  9. BellKicker

    What Are We Afraid Of?

    I'm with Panda on this one. It happens all the time, exactly like he described. People, for some reason, doesn't like the thought of intubation or chest compression and makes up a nice little Chinese menu of rescussitation choices. I don't believe it should be up to - largely uninformed -...
  10. BellKicker

    "Official" 2007 ROL Thread

    1. Cook County. I loved the dedecated residents. I will learn a bunch. And since I am laready a resident - I won't ever have to be an intern again (if I match there). Dr. Bowman also seems like a really nice guy. 2. Mayo. What can I say? Their new sim center was very impressive. Residents...
  11. BellKicker

    Negotiating death...

    Talk about torture. It sounds like you guys saved this poor guy from a miserable last few days/weeks. The sad part is that it takes LESS work for an oncologist to be aggressive with treatment; and it pays better, too, since palliative care is so poorly reimbursed.
  12. BellKicker

    Negotiating death...

    Joe, I think you did the right thing. In fact, it sounds like it ended really well. However, there's gotta be an oncologist somewhere who has dropped the ball in a serious way. At the end of a cancer patient's life, the oncology department should "do everything" or make damn sure the patient...
  13. BellKicker

    Residency Question

    Pre-match nerves, anyone?:D
  14. BellKicker

    University of Wisconsin is almost full :(

    Cardyjones, as you rank the programs, each program has a quota listed. It looks like this: Prog Code Institution Name Program Description Quota 1779110C0 U Wisconsin Hosp/Clinics Emergency Medicine 3
  15. BellKicker

    Ohio State Shifts/Hours

    Right now I do 24 12+ hour shifts per 4 week rotation as a senior IM resident. And people wonder why no one goes into IM anymore.....:cool: And I agree with Corpsman. One extra day off thrown in here or there can almost feel like a little vacation in an otherwise rough month. Of course, for...