Recent content by BerkReviewTeach

  1. B

    2024 MCAT Preparatory Scholarship announcement (UC Postbac Consortium)

    This is awesome! You always leave great advice, and seeing that you are associated with such a great program and generous offer connects the dots. Thanks for everything you do.
  2. B

    [NAAHP Advisor] How do premeds prepare for the MCAT?

    The data is really interesting. Of all the possible surveys for study plans, the advisors survey is likely the least biased and most accurate. I am utterly amazed that despite our going out of business in 2021, we still appear on that list and slightly below the middle. I am actually quite...
  3. B

    Are there any good CARS courses

    For years there was a CARS guide by Testing Solutions that helped so many people. It costs less than ten dollars (I think) and the return on your time is amazing. Whoever made it was one of those pure souls who did it just for the good feeling of helping people.
  4. B

    126 C/P: retake?

    You have very little to gain by a retake. You can spend that time strengthening other parts of your application, like clinical and public service.
  5. B

    TBR Bio I Passage XII Questions 73 and 79

    Sorry the answers are not helpful. That has been a feedback heard before for BB, but in light of BR being a hair above deceased, there is likely not going to be an update with a better explanation coming out. I'd suggest you post a screenshot of the questions, along with any relevant passage...
  6. B

    [AAMC] MCAT 2024 webinar

    Thanks for posting this!!!
  7. B

    Kaplan Vs. Princeton Review

    Check around your campus, starting with your pre health advisor or premed club, and see if anyone has copies of the books you are considering. Read the text for a topic you don't know, and see if it clears it up. Try a question and then read the explanation, and see if it teaches you what YOU...
  8. B

    Uworld or AAMC test prep? I can't afford both but don't know which to choose

    AAMC beats everything. You have the actual author of the exam and the materials that new test writers use for reference when writing MCAT passages and questions versus a commercial resource. It doesn't matter which company it is that you wish to compare to, AAMC materials are the better...
  9. B

    Lower MCAT Retake

    No one said anything about giving up. They gave an honest, hard-to-hear assessment of where your current numbers fit. The suggestion was to target DO and DPM schools, as opposed to allopathic programs. It's great advice given all of the data out there. You will need a better score than 504...
  10. B


    I received a message that inspired me to follow up on this thread. When I mentioned that Dale wrote the biology book, I should have included that he also went by the name Elliot. It wasn't two people writing the biology materials; it was one person who used two names. He had a few people...
  11. B

    I have 3 attempts, and I'm hopeful for my 4th, but I am curious how MD+DO programs feel about this many multiple attempts, please lmk your thoughts!

    There is a universal answer for you question. How people feel will vary. It's completely random who will be the person reading your primary app. You will get some people who will write you off for so many attempts, given that other applicants will have taken the exam fewer times and done...
  12. B

    July 28th MCAT okay?

    I'm unclear how you plan to void/no-show the MCAT on July 15 and be able to find an opening or register for July 28. You cannot sign up for another MCAT until after your current test date has passed. You can't be sure of what spaces will be available for you if you try to sign up on July 16 or...
  13. B


    I wanted to wait a while before responding, because advice in the heat of the moment (right after you got your score back) can be irrational and based too much on emotions. Hopefully you've had enough time to cool down. Thankfully there were some amazing replies from multiple posters (Goro...
  14. B

    New TPR qbank

    General response here, with no firsthand knowledge about any question banks besides AAMC. There are at least eight different resources for online test banks. You (as in the general 'you', meaning everyone) HAVE to get AAMC materials. Those are the best in terms of realism, in particular their...