Recent content by Bikini Princess

  1. B

    how to make a wad

    Radiation oncology is fairly renumerative and also professionally rewarding. Some may be surprised to learn it is an expanding field as well.
  2. B

    What is a consultant?

    One example are medicine attendings who work as part-time consultants for healthcare insurance companies, reviewing patient charts and deciding how many additional days to reimburse or when to terminate a patient's benefits.
  3. B

    Am stumped

    I think it sounds like interstitial lung disease, or else class 1 pulmonary hypertension, particularly since they mentioned the six minute walk (6MWD), a common scoring system for this disease. Are the pulmonary arteries or right heart enlarged in the chest xray? Another much rarer...
  4. B

    Compiled Step one Experiences

    i took the exam June 15, and I am waiting until july to see if I passed. I studied using qbank and first aid, I agree that the qbank covered many of the question styles on my exam. Still, many questions I had almost no clue on - especially the genetics-biochem questions. Not nearly as many micro...
  5. B

    What airline do you prefer?

    I think that the best way to understand airlines is by their hubs. The location of a hub can make or break an airline, depending on how much travel time is used on your flight. America West - Not good usually because its major hubs are in Las Vegas and Phoenix, with long layovers. This...
  6. B

    got info on U of Hawaii?

    It is a points-based system that tallies your achievements. About 10% of students interviewed do not meet the state requirements but are still accepted. The in-state requirements are: your legal residence, your birthplace, your high school diploma, your college attendance, and your parent or...
  7. B

    University of Hawaii anyone?

    hey all. i don't know many people in our class who didn't live here first, except for the students from montana/wyoiming who came thru the Wiche program. i think they really like students who will stay here to practice, especially to serve poor areas. the school is Pbl-based so classes are...
  8. B

    Congratulations Lola!!!

    lola, it's been a long time coming..but so worth it! Congrats!!!!
  9. B

    What residencies are the easiest matches?

    I think the overall trend now has been that the "shift" type residencies with fairly good compensation (ie derms, rads, rad onc, and even pm&r, anes, & ER) have become a bit more popular. Whereas high compensation, high call fields (ie ct surg, gen surg, GI [but not neurosurg]) have...
  10. B

    how to read residency match info from schools

    I think it's strange that schools don't separate general medicine from categorical medicine on their match lists. It's kind of equivalent to something like mixing neurology & neurosurgery, since one is pretty competitive and the other is not. Oh well, i guess it's just another limitation of...
  11. B

    New AMCAS e-mail

    wait Oh MY GOD i haven't received this email yet - should i write AMCAS a letter to ask about it? Is it polite to use fed express? If I do write a letter, should I type or handwrite it, or have kinko's color print it onto a tire and float it across the Pacific ocean to them? ;)
  12. B

    it's fun

    Yup, i met a med student guy who entered under the uber-scholar program while at UHM recently. he said they guarantee they'll find a slot for you at about 1/5th of the schools you pick. He said he still hadn't taken the MCAT, but he was going to have to by the end of his second year in med...
  13. B

    Yale Surgical Residency Reaccredited

    for better or worse, the new work hour rules set by the ERA board will take effect july 2003. just wondering, what do you guys think about the new rules?
  14. B

    why is harvard #1?

    no matter if you like it take it sit down and write it.. ;) honestly, it's probably mostly the research money, and maybe reputation. I've heard harvard doesn't treat faculty super well, there was an article about it in nature news recently.
  15. B

    Falling about 7% short of Class Average & residencies

    FYI - I'd like to suggest some modifications to the above post, just to clarify the info presented. I think anesthesiology is certainly becoming a much more competitive residency. I also think most residents would agree that G.S. & Anes. are still more competitive than ER, almost...