Recent content by cabinbuilder

  1. cabinbuilder

    Experience with changing practice location within same organization

    We have providers change locations where I work quite a bit here in urgent care. The issue with that is that the staff generally doesn't move with you so if you have great staff then you lose that if you change locations.
  2. cabinbuilder

    Is residency worth it?

    Okay. I started medical school with a 2 yr old and a 5 yr old. I wasn't the first in class, I wasn't the last. I felt I saw my kids plenty and really saw them more than when I worked full time before I went to medical school. I didn't have to worry about not seeing family because I didn't...
  3. cabinbuilder

    1 year attending job?

    Lots and lots of FM clinic locum jobs that need coverage for illness or maternity leave, etc. Just depends on where she is licensed. Of course you can work on any Indian Reservation with any state license.
  4. cabinbuilder

    1 year attending job?

    I did many locums jobs that were 6 months or longer. There are tons of locums jobs out there. May have to be apart that year to do it tho. But you can schduled your locums life how you want it. 3 weeks on/1 week off to fly back and forth, etc. to visit eachother. It goes by fast. It takes a...
  5. cabinbuilder

    Best ways to get referrals from y'all?

    Heck. If I had a psychiatrist I knew who needed patients, I could make you rich in 6 months. You probably would only need to visit 2-3 FP's in your area to have a good panel started. Be sure you let your closest urgent care folks know that you need patients. They have the largest volume.
  6. cabinbuilder

    How do attendings remember it all? (philosophical sorry)

    Plus, the sad reality these days is not how bad ass you are, but is how good your ratings are in the eyes of admins. I could care less about ratings (I can't even recall what the term is right now, that's how much I don't care). I don't even look at my comments because I'm not there to feel...
  7. cabinbuilder

    How do attendings remember it all? (philosophical sorry)

    Seeing lots of patients. Know what you know and know what you don't. So look things up when you aren't sure. You get comfortable with your field and what you do every day. Learn everything you can in residency and don't be a lazy ass because once you are out there, it's on you.
  8. cabinbuilder

    Please convince me to stick to FM and not pursue IM

    As I have said before, It's all about your efficiency and your CONTRACT. Of course I am FP trained but I only do urgent care. I see a ton of patients and do a ton of procedures. Depending on how many extra shifts I pick up a month I make between 400 -600K/yr.
  9. cabinbuilder


    Doesn't get any better in the real world either. There are about 4/11 of us who constantly pick up extra shifts and fill in the holes when the schedule is bare. Our director doesn't even pick up shifts to help out when there are sick calls and its sparce. Work ethic is ingrained as is personal...
  10. cabinbuilder

    Is working at a community health center worth it when graduating with ~300k in debt

    I guess you could do this but most locum jobs are more than 2 shifts a week and you have to travel to get to them so probably would not be realistic. Also, most require 3-6 month commitment.
  11. cabinbuilder

    Baby in residency- delayed graduation?

    There is no consequences in delayed graduation with real life jobs. Jobs hire year round. Remember, tho that not everyone has a smooth pregnancy, delivery, etc. There's bed rest, preterm labor, C-section recovery/complications, etc. Always have to factor in those possibilities and you may be...
  12. cabinbuilder

    Is working at a community health center worth it when graduating with ~300k in debt

    I am not lecturing you, I'm all about the reality check. Nobody gets that kind of debt paid down working less than 40 hours a week. I get wanting a family with kids, etc. I am a mom too and went to med school with a 2 and 5 yr old. I worked a 60+ hour week all the way through. It's part of...
  13. cabinbuilder

    Future 4th cycle applicant, need job advice

    This list is way too IVY league. If you really want to be a doctor you need to apply to DO schools and be a doctor. With your numbers and CV there is no reason that you should not have already been accepted IMO. So what is it that is wrong with your APP?
  14. cabinbuilder

    Is working at a community health center worth it when graduating with ~300k in debt

    Being out of debt ASAP + working less than 40hr/s a week do not go together. To get out of debt you will have to work as much as you can. It took me 14 years to pay my student loans off. You are in the wrong profession my friend. Need to change your mind set if you plan to be loan debt free.
  15. cabinbuilder

    Casting a wide net

    Been out of the locums scene for about 8 yrs now but I still have a lot of connections. I don't think petomed was really getting my point on the contract differences. When I worked strictly locums at a true hourly rate, I pulled in about 180K a year. I now actually work less days a month but...