Recent content by Equality

  1. Equality

    Questions for those in private practice

    My practice uses ModMed aka Modernizing Medicine. The opticians used their own system separate from the MDs.
  2. Equality

    Dual apply or commit to ophthalmology?

    I found out early on that I had a guaranteed spot for my med school's IM program (top 5), so I didn't interview at that many IM places. That allowed me to pick and choose which IM interviews to attend. I think I went to 5 or 6 IM interviews total. Because I matched into ophthalmology, I guess my...
  3. Equality

    Dual apply or commit to ophthalmology?

    I applied to IM and ophthalmology. Made sure to get IM recs for IM and ophtho recs for ophtho. It was a busy interview season.. When I early-matched ophtho in January, I withdrew from the regular match. I only did this because i genuinely liked both IM and ophtho and would've been happy doing...
  4. Equality

    What have you read for your Oculoplastics fellowship?

    I did an oculoplastics fellowship. I asked my mentor before starting the fellowship how I should prepare. He gave me a copy of the book he wrote. You should consider at least asking the outgoing fellow if not your own mentor(s) what to do before you start your fellowship.
  5. Equality

    Aviation Medical Examiner

    I became an FAA-designated AME (Aviation Medical Examiner). If you have questions about becoming an AME or if your pilot patient is asking you questions, you may reach out to me via DM.
  6. Equality


    You may also want to consider residency-specific rotations available at each place. Ophthalmology rotation, for example, is not readily available at every med school, and having strong backing from your school in terms of mentors and research opportunity will be important when you apply for the...
  7. Equality

    New 1 year non-ASOPRS plastics fellowship

    Just found out about this one-year nonASOPRS fellowship in New Jersey. Looks like a good option for hands on functional and cosmetic procedures in oculoplastics for those interested in training in this field. I don't know anything about the mentor or the program so don't ask me about this...
  8. Equality

    Chances of Becoming Aviation Medical Examiner

    I am a US-based AME (MD). You may post questions in this thread of DM me with questions. No, PAs are not allowed to do FAA medical exams on their own. This is true as of 11/2021 when I had the most recent training.
  9. Equality

    Aviation Medical Examiner

    About 40% of the medical screening of pilots involve the visual system. Only 3% of all AMEs are ophthalmologists. My pilot patients tell me that when they got their medical exam for their pilot license, they had to read off of old, yellowing, paper Snellen chart taped to the wall at the family...
  10. Equality

    Oculoplastics combined with retina fellowship

    For an ophthalmic oncologist, cases that require surgery would be uveal melanoma that require radiation plaque placement and removal (two separate surgeries), biopsy of lesions, and management of retinoblastoma that require EUA +/- intravit/intracameral injections in babies. Ocular surface...
  11. Equality

    Quitting Ophtho and Switching to IM/FM

    Don't wait until the end of the year to make a decision. You'll want to secure a spot to start IM PGY2 well in advance of July 1. Also, your ophtho program may have a chance to get a transfer to fill your spot if they have advance notice. I tried to switch to IM after PGY3. Even spent weekends...
  12. Equality

    Oculoplastics combined with retina fellowship

    Dr Renelle Lim at Yale Smilow Cancer Center did oculoplastics fellowship and two years of oncology fellowship, which is basically medical retina with plaque surgery (so not vitreoretinal). She practices all aspects of oncology including orbital tumors and periorbital tumors plus of course...
  13. Equality

    Aviation Medical Examiner

    Being an aviation medical examiner (AME) seems like an interesting way to meet pilots in the office setting as they update their medical certificates to fly. Is anyone an FAA-certified AME as an ophthalmologist? Most AMEs I know seem to be FM or IM. Please share your experience.
  14. Equality

    1 year oculoplastics fellowship

    Putting it out there again. PM me if interested in 1 year fellowship.
  15. Equality

    How is your practice doing at this point?

    My surg rates are 80% because the surgery center is still tiptoing around accepting patients coming from assisted living etc. Also some patients are deferring surgery during the pandemic. Clinic volume 100%.