Recent content by Erythropoietin

  1. Erythropoietin

    Assigning LORs after submitting ERAS

    I submitted my ERAS on the very first day (27th) but none of my LORs were ready. Now that 3 days have gone by, they are ready to assign so I assigned all 3 of them to every program. My question is, do I need to email every program coordinator/director to let them know that I just assigned all my...
  2. Erythropoietin


    Thank you for your reply. (Btw I'm not a resident i the U.S. so we dont have the ABSITE thing here.) To be honest, I also find Cameron the best out of all the books out there. But there's this impression out there that Schwartz is a "must" and that we should all be reading it. Well I'm...
  3. Erythropoietin


    How do you guys read these books? I don't want to use the word "study" because the exam time is over, but there's just way too many information that I don't even know how to approach these books. Do you just read it plain, take notes on a notebook, post-it notes, highlight.. ? Thanks!
  4. Erythropoietin

    Question about Dean's letter

    Well I totally agree with you. May I ask how many you included in your Dean's letter? I mean I'm assuming it's only from people that know you well. I checked some sample letters online and they only include like 4 or 5 max.
  5. Erythropoietin

    Question about Dean's letter

    My school asks us to get an evaluation from ALL the directors of the clerkships that we took since 4th year (that means IMed, ob gyn, peds, surgery, neurology, psychiatry, urology, ct surgery, ent, ortho, and 2 or 3 other more). How am I supposed to get an evaluation from all of them? Plus, most...
  6. Erythropoietin

    General surgery vs CT surgery...can't decide

    well people, those are some great responses. what about specializing in general surgery? any thoughts on that? (especially transplant)
  7. Erythropoietin

    General surgery vs CT surgery...can't decide

    Thanks for your response. We don't have any mentors to give us advice on these kind of things. I just know some general surgeons that I shadowed over the past years and they are big names in the field. So if I do a subspecialty in general surgery, knowing these guys are a plus. Unfortunately...
  8. Erythropoietin

    General surgery vs CT surgery...can't decide

    Cardiothoracic surgery has always been my favorite throughout medical school but I also spent a decent amount of time observing a general surgeon. I understand both are tough fields to pursue in, and they both require a lot of sacrifice. I'm not going to compare and contrast general surgery and...
  9. Erythropoietin

    Chances for surgery..IMG

    thank you for your response. I thought about prelim but since I'm lacking in research I thought I would start doing research right away. Also, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard doing research is more valuable and better than doing prelim since you get to work with people, produce...
  10. Erythropoietin

    Chances for surgery..IMG

    Hello everyone, I usually find my answer in other posts on here but since my situation is different I just wanted to get some advice. I have an undergrad degree from the U.S. and also a green card holder. For a number of reasons I had to move back to my hometown to study medicine and I recently...
  11. Erythropoietin

    How to review Pathoma

    After watching the videos and taking notes on the book, how do you actually go back and review/memorize it? For example, let's say you're reviewing hereditary spherocytosis. Do you just look at the title, cover the text, and just try to think/speak outloud about the main pathology, symptoms...
  12. Erythropoietin

    What to review before MS3

    I have a little over 1 month until my first rotation starts (internal medicine). What do you guys recommend I should review in this 1 month? pathology? pharma? fluids & electrolytes? Thanks!