Recent content by flasheroonie

  1. flasheroonie

    MD & DO Options for Med School Dropout?

    I agree. Sounds like you still need to figure out what you want to do with your life. No forum will ever be able to answer that question for you.
  2. flasheroonie

    Earning money and live in USA

    If you get selected to interview at a program through ERAS, they'll tell you how much they'll pay you per year of your residency when you go to tour and interview.
  3. flasheroonie

    Institutional action caught with false ID

    I hope that's all it is.
  4. flasheroonie

    Gap Year Job Advice

    Hmm... look for that patient contact.
  5. flasheroonie

    Online post-bacc through a school that's never brick and mortar

    As long as the school is completely accredited, then why not?
  6. flasheroonie

    Institutional action caught with false ID

    If it was on a federal document, it can be a federal offense.
  7. flasheroonie

    Institutional action caught with false ID

    The question is why did he make his birth date 3 years earlier? On what ID? What was the situation? That's falsifying your birth date, yes, but for what reason?
  8. flasheroonie

    Letter of interest

    Agreed. You should send a letter after an interview. The interest needs to be mutual (school in you, you in school).
  9. flasheroonie

    Gap year suggestions

    You already sound like you have a great background of generalized experience, but I second Goodbee's notion that you should have more experience shadowing physicians.
  10. flasheroonie

    Institutional action caught with false ID

    If you've ever been caught lying about who you are and/or your credentials, that's a big red flag on any application. Need details to provide feedback on judged severity.
  11. flasheroonie

    Gap Year Job Advice

    If you're going for an MD/PhD, then having research experience will be helpful, but the more gap years you have, the far worse it will be for you when you apply for med school. They will want to know why you had gap years at all. A clinical research associate is good experience in specifically...
  12. flasheroonie

    Stats question

    It also depends on the type of study. If the paper is showing the results of a case-control study, cross-sectional study, or a cohort study, then the results will be an odds ratio. If the study is showing the results of a randomized controlled trial, then the results would usually be...
  13. flasheroonie


    Professionalism is the basis to everything we do in medicine.
  14. flasheroonie

    My personal experience having neurosurgery

    It's always great to hear about the wonders of modern medicine. Hats off to my surgeon colleagues (of any subspeciality) for being able to rearrange one's anatomical origami to relieve pain and directly cure so many diseases.
  15. flasheroonie

    Are NYC residencies as horrific / malignant as people portray?

    Sorry this thread hit a personal nerve with me. TL/DR: NYC programs are truly militaristic, try looking elsewhere unless you really have to go to NYC IMHO. Training programs in NYC are absolutely more militaristic than elsewhere in the nation. I can tell you from first-hand experience. I didn't...