Recent content by Gern Blansten

  1. Gern Blansten

    Net Worth at age 55

    I feel like we may have a love connection here between you two.
  2. Gern Blansten

    State regulations on tort reform/malpractice caps when considering where to practice?

    I think that approach is being overly naive. It’s not an important issue until it is. And really good doctors get sued too. I wouldn’t project those accusations onto someone just for asking the question. Tort reform is an issue important to many.
  3. Gern Blansten

    Net Worth at age 55

    I was the same way. I felt super far behind. But with your likely salary, a few years of serious earning and moderated spending can get you back on track. I’ve not known my credit score for two decades. I suspect it is fairly low because credit card companies barely know who I am. It has not...
  4. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    ^^I learned something new today.
  5. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    I’ll admit, he had me going for a few posts before I realized it.
  6. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    @aneftp has had a pretty good two days of fishing. He’s slowly cruising back into the boat slip with quite a catch and only had to bait the hook a couple of times. The fish are like, “lol forchrissakes…bro, TF we doin’ in dis boat and why dis fake support dog deliverin’ mail on a plane?”
  7. Gern Blansten

    Net Worth at age 55

    Worth it for an ocean view, probably.
  8. Gern Blansten

    Net Worth at age 55

    Yikes! That’s a lot for a remodel. Were the parents pissed?
  9. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    lol TF u talkin’ ‘bout fur chrissakes?
  10. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    Thankfully, I think we have neither. I could understand that as a stopgap defense if someone was fading at the end of their term, but here we are planning to potentially elect someone to a second four year term who is fading during their initial term.
  11. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    Very well stated. Thank you for the cordial response. I sincerely respect your position.
  12. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    DocMcoy made a post upstream that says it far more eloquent than I could: I think this sums up a lot of my thoughts on the issue. There is no path to address those issues through supporting Biden (and even more importantly, Harris). Different people attach different weights to the issues...
  13. Gern Blansten

    Net Worth at age 55

    I think we all tend to be risk averse and want to remove any doubt that we will have enough, therefore, we aim high. Many will leave a large amount to offspring, which I hope to be able to do. But some will have severe health issues that will eat away at the savings at a much faster rate than...
  14. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    Clarification acknowledged, as noted above. Thanks for providing the link. I will stay on the lookout under the clarified definition.
  15. Gern Blansten

    Trump convicted. Now what?

    Okay. I accept this clarification of the definition. Let's reset the clock. I still think we can get there.