Recent content by Global Disrobal

  1. Global Disrobal

    MFM Written Boards

    The written MFM boards were definitely more labor intensive than the orals, since the latter was predominantly clinical and thesis defense. The fellows in our program relied on Fetology for fetal anomalies, Creasy for the maternal, Thompson & Thompson for the genetics. Although one can not...
  2. Global Disrobal


    Unless you plan on going into solo or small group practice, it doesn't matter much as the institution or your group pays for it, or has it's own insurance trust. I'm in a group practice, in Texas where there is tort reform, and overall it's not much point of discussion. I know in Maryland (few...
  3. Global Disrobal

    Do you wear full PPE while doing vaginal deliveries?

    In general you should exercise universal precautions and put on appropriate gear. However, from a real life standpoint (and having trained at a busy inner-city program), sometimes you are put in emergent scenarios in which case as Biology 101 mentioned, gloves and mask are all you get to put on...
  4. Global Disrobal

    OB/GYN residency hard work?

    Use the search function on the forum, and you'll find a myriad of posts, albeit with many not providing much useful information & essentially comprising of personal attacks and misinformation. To summarize for you what I've seen on this board over the past number of years: if you like the...
  5. Global Disrobal

    Obstetrics - Maternal Fetal Medicine?

    Practice specifics vary, and as an OBGYN you can tailor it to suit your interests as well as community needs. While some OBGYN providers focus on low risk cases, others fully manage the high risk cases themselves (especially in resource limited settings), while others utilize co-management by an...
  6. Global Disrobal

    Employment contract

    Depends on the size of the practice and your role entering (e.g. partnership track vs. associate). Generally larger practices have contracts in place and within 4-6 weeks you should have a draft in hand. With solo practitioners, they may have to get an attorney to draft one, and it may take...
  7. Global Disrobal

    Resource Advice

    In general, texts are a year or so behind with respect to literature due to the lag in text preparation to publishing. With that said, I would highly advise buying the 2012 edition. Good luck!
  8. Global Disrobal

    Severe Pre-eclampsia vs Untreated HTN

    Easy tiger! No one is challenging your knowledge of pulmonary hypertension management... If you read my posts (without getting defensive) again, what I'm telling you is that 1) you don't have the full picture based on what you're presenting, 2) the pulmonary hypertension would be more of a...
  9. Global Disrobal

    Severe Pre-eclampsia vs Untreated HTN

    By definition and standard practice, superimposed preeclampsia is severe in behavior and treated as such, whereas de no preeclampsia (in an otherwise non-hypertensive patient) can be classified as mild or severe. As I mentioned earlier, the only way to answer your question regarding the...
  10. Global Disrobal

    Severe Pre-eclampsia vs Untreated HTN

    I can't give you a clear cut answer from the details presented as I don't think you have the full story at hand especially the pulmonary hypertension piece, which would in itself present a higher risk to her than the superimposed preeclampsia. With that said, we (as obstetricians) predominantly...
  11. Global Disrobal

    This is why women don't want male gynos.

    Sorry folks, but closing this thread as 1) it is offering absolutely nothing of substance with respect to the goals/aims of this forum, 2) turning into marked generalization without substance. In invite you to consider sections of SDN dedicated to social discussions as we are nearing the point...
  12. Global Disrobal

    This is why women don't want male gynos.

    I always find it fascinating when folks from other specialties venture into the OBGYN forum to start such riveting discussions. Gross generalization is a sure way to ensure that no one will pay attention to your opinions. That was a wasted minute I wish I could have back.
  13. Global Disrobal

    What do you expect from a resident?

    Show up on time, listen to your senior residents especially with respect to the clinical pearls, follow through with assigned tasks, be honest and truthful, don't cut corners, don't take criticism personally, and read about procedures ahead of time so that you have a basic idea about the steps...
  14. Global Disrobal

    Community vs Academic Programs

    I'll have to echo what the last post says. With respect to the original post, academic programs and "pedigree" will in general get you the upper hand with respect to academic positions and/or fellowship opportunities as often the word of mouth recommendation from known faculty or letters of...
  15. Global Disrobal

    Males being asked to leave during pelvic exams

    Yet another old thread not warranting bumping. Agree with above posts that you should either start a new one or avoid bumping threads beyond 3-5 years ago. Closing.