Recent content by hawkeyes

  1. H

    Minn vs. UCI and UMaryland Poll Correction!

    where are you from? In addition to family/friends being a factor, tuition is huge (I's torn my guts out in deciding)! If you are from Cali, and if I were you, I would choose UCI in a milisecond. Personally, I don't think that the actual numbers on those particular polls matter all...
  2. H

    UCSD vs UCI?

    Scully, I did end up choosing UCI over Georgetown. Right now, I have 2 more days to decide between UCI and UCSD. Any thoughts?
  3. H

    PA-vs-MD's an observation......

    I just got back from a great conference in Boston. I tried to be really observant, and to my pleasure saw that almost all attendees were very professionally dressed. :wink: I was actually very critical, thinking often of this post, but could...
  4. H

    Official UCSD Countdown Thread, former "I'm in, UCSD,.."

    Watcha, you are supremely cool! You'd make SD a happy place for sure. I don't know how you can get around the AMCAS thing. Perhaps you can just start out really generic and ask the questions without referring to "your own file." It's likely that they are fielding so many calls, they won't...
  5. H

    The Official UC Irvine Countdown Thread

    bump :wink:
  6. H

    UCSD vs UCI?

    I *was* thinking about going to Georgetown!~ I can't deny that I loved that school probably the most of all, but then I started counting my money. It is hard to turn down a UC. I was really looking forward to meeting up in DC! :D If you end up in Tenessee, I think that doing a reunion in...
  7. H

    Official UCSD Countdown Thread, former "I'm in, UCSD,.."

    Ditto Matthew! Reading posts like that make me feel a whole lot better! How can a class has that rep if the people in that class refuse it!? :clap: Watcha - I sent you a PM
  8. H

    UCSD vs UCI?

    The cost is quite significant. Even if you are instate at Michigan, it would never be close to a UC tuition. And correct me if I am wrong, but I Was told that you cannot get residency status while a student there. I do want to be involved in health policy and reform as well as clinical...
  9. H

    Official UCSD Countdown Thread, former "I'm in, UCSD,.."

    Hey ya'll! keep posting re: the 2nd 2nd look.. I'm travelling right now, and can't call.. thought interestingly... I can post! California, NUMS isn't an "okay" school... it's a GREAT school. :clap: I was on my knees giving...
  10. H

    Jumping the gun..(I hope not!)

    oldman-- is that really your picture? I thought that you would perhaps be... older.. grayer.. :confused:
  11. H

    UCSD vs UCI?

    bump! I need to decide too.. I am SO torn. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="frown.gif" />
  12. H

    Hey, I got off the Michigan Waitlist!! Problem though... what would you advise?

    UC-Lover, I interviewed at SD 2/25 and was put into the apool about 2 weeks later. I sent in two letters in total. Best of luck! Keep the hope... looks like the UC's are really moving now! :)
  13. H

    Official UCSD Countdown Thread, former "I'm in, UCSD,.."

    hey all, just wanted to thank you all for the support. As Cali mentioned, I did get off the acceptable pool today! :D I'm super thrilled, and am also deciding btwn UCI and UCSD. I originally thought that it would be a no-brainer, but started to hear the rumours about the SD students and saw...
  14. H

    Hey, I got off the Michigan Waitlist!! Problem though... what would you advise?

    .... :confused: how does one rename a thread?
  15. H

    Hey, I got off the Michigan Waitlist!! Problem though... what would you advise?

    I think I'm going to rename this thread...