Recent content by hello

  1. H

    ***"Official" WHERE DID YOU MATCH?***

    and special congrats to dr. will - i've been reading your reviews throughout the season, and i have to say i've really admired how you've invested in putting things up for everyone's benefit. thank you. i'm glad good things come to generous people. cinci's a fabulous place ... i was so sad...
  2. H

    the transitional year

    thanks for your reply, and apologies for not filling in the blanks. i'm a msiv, md applying first time around in em. bu's already guaranteed a prelim medicine spot if that's where i go. but bu prelim med i hear is painful. even for medicine-inclined folks. usc hasn't said anything...
  3. H

    The EM Personality

    at least from my perspective, we're generally high-yield ppl and we like to _do_ something - procedural, planning dispo. some would say the ed is a haven for those with adhd -- we understand pathophys and zebra diseases are important, but the medicine docs are around for a reason. we're...
  4. H

    Away EM rotations

    another thing to consider is that some programs like highland and denver have this unwritten 'interview' component to the rotation. put it this way, of highland's current intern class, something like 2 of the 12(?) residents did NOT rotate there. the rest did at some point. the official party...
  5. H

    the transitional year

    hi -- i applied to several transitionals and only got 3 interviews, 2 of which are in the highly competitive boston area. the third is in baltimore, which i'm not so fond of (location, 6mo of ward work). the baltimore program says they usu don't fill, but if i don't rank them, i will def not...
  6. H

    BA/MD programs

    that's confusing - here's the link i found. the same website shows the option of downloading an app for class of 2007, as if to suggest they do update site every so often...
  7. H

    moving to new york

    heading to nyu med aug16 in time for aug19 orientation. anyone interested in sharing a u-haul from cambridge/boston-->nyc or know anyone who might be interested? thanks!
  8. H

    NYU 2006 classmates!!!

    hey guys-- just stumbled in ... and wow, i'm impressed by all your enthusiasm! anyways, i've got to move my stuff from cambridge/boston --> nyu med aug16. orientation starts the 19th for regular md students. anyone interested in sharing a u-haul or know anyone who might be up for it...
  9. H

    duke waitlist

    just wanted to say how happy i am for you =) ah the stories you have to tell to all the youngsters applying now... congrats again!
  10. H

    BA/MD programs

    a previous post mentioned checking aamc. very good idea. =) just in case you aren't familiar - aamc is the american assc of medical colleges. so if you need listings of medical school admissions offices, links to medical schools, the common app to med schools (amcas), it's all there. re...
  11. H

    finding residency rankings

    hey guys- sorry for wandering in here, but i'm a pre-med trying to pick btwn medical schools. i've been told i should look at specialities to figure out the true strength a given school's match list. i'm interested in emergency medicine, but obviously usnews doesn't list that as a category...
  12. H

    NYU - need to choose & worried about residency match

    haha =P i'm trying goldie. i completely understand where you're coming from. waitlists are *awful.* and thanks to all of you for the advice. i am a unc resident, but dad says we can work out the financial stuff as long as i'm happy. i'm seriously considering emergency medicine, but i know...
  13. H

    NYU - need to choose & worried about residency match

    the other school is unc, which also managed to score a 4.0 on residency directors respect (vs nyu's 3.5) i grew up in a small town in unc, and i wasn't very happy there =( -- makes me very scared to return to the state, after a much happier 4 yrs out of it in boston. if i can just explain to...
  14. H

    NYU - need to choose & worried about residency match

    *really* need help folks- so please advise. i got off nyu waitlist a few days ago and was really psyched. but then my parents and i dug up this yrs' us news med school ratings and apparently nyu's '01 grads being awarded one of top 3 residency choices fell to 64.8%, incidentally the lowest %...