Recent content by JBurns

  1. J

    Website to practice naming lesion

    There is a new website that I ran across for reviewing Dermatology content and for board review: Seems super high-quality.
  2. J

    Okap prep course

    ophthoquestions for sure. That is all I needed to pass my boards.
  3. J

    Taking time off between residency and fellowship

    Would drastically lower your chances in my opinion.
  4. J

    Failed Ophtho boards- what's happening???

    Passing the boards is straight-forward: 1) Re-read the BCSC series. I know those books are dry, but the test is based on them. 2) Don't bother with "General Medicine", "Fundamentals" -- the WQE does not have questions on them. 3) Repeat #1 4) Do lots of practice questions -- e.g...
  5. J

    Unmatched Cornea Fellowships

    UC Davis is a good, prestigious fellowship. They have 2 spots, so one of them must have not filled just by pure chance. For example, if everyone ranked UC-Davis #2 on their rank lists, but matched at their #1 spot, then the UC-Davis spot would go unmatched even though it is a desirable...
  6. J

    Impending Medicare Cut

    For anyone who voted for Obama, this is what you get. Thanks a lot.
  7. J

    Impending Medicare Cut

    The problem with that is that the other 10 ophthalmologists on your block will take a patient's crappy insurance. In other words, no patients will want to go to you unless you offer something really special that no one else can do (i.e. unlikely). For that to work, ophthalmologists need to...
  8. J

    Impending Medicare Cut

    1. Fire non-essential employees 2. See more patients 3. Code more aggressively 4. Go to Saudi Arabia
  9. J

    Iowa vs. MEEI vs. Wilmer

    I would prefer to go to: MEEI > Iowa > Wilmer All are great programs. But Baltimore is scary as heck.
  10. J

    Average ophtho salaries if you're interested...

    I think living in a coastal area for 150-200k/year is just plain dumb if you can make 500-700k in the MidWest. The differences in lifestyle are just too great between those two salary ranges. Living in Malibu won't matter if you can barely pay your mortgage! There is a lot of stress...
  11. J

    How to rank programs?!?!

    Ouch. Yes, being single in Iowa does not sound so appealing compared to being in NYC. Being a single minority in Iowa sounds even less appealing. I think NYC training has probably been vilified way too much. I am sure it is fine. But NYC Ophthalmology would be better off if they only had 3...
  12. J

    Fellowship match contract

    On another note, a very lucky unmatched Cornea applicant has a chance to go to UC-Davis. They inexplicably have an unmatched spot! Wouldn't mind trading :-)
  13. J

    How to rank programs?!?!

    Los Angeles programs are pretty awesome. And you might find a "match" (e.g. spouse) too!
  14. J

    How to rank programs?!?!

    Which specific program in the "smaller city" are you talking about? Or perhaps just tell us which city. I agree with most of the comments here -- choose the stronger program. This is your lifelong training we are talking about. The only reason I could foresee wanting to choose a NYC...
  15. J

    Fellowship match contract

    What sub-specialty is this for I think he could get out of the contract, but probably with some non-minor consequences. The biggest being he would never be able to apply for fellowship again. And also, burning alot of bridges. Might not mean much though if he is doing private practice anyways.