Recent content by jd123

  1. J

    Private equity starting salary

    The numbers might break even over the course of a career (money up front vs higher earning later) but with PE, you will always be the employee of some MBA further up the food chain from you. Who knows what these groups will look like in 5,10,15 years. But if you become partner in a private...
  2. J

    Public notice: stop taking PE jobs

    Yeah, it depends. I suggest young grads be flexible in regards to location. You don’t need to live in Manhattan or San Fran. You can make a ton of money in a “less desirable” area, live in a huge house, and fly in for a weekend in one of the “desirable” locations.
  3. J

    Public notice: stop taking PE jobs

    I agree with this. That’s why ophthalmology will become more corporate over the years. In 20-30 years, a majority of practices will be owned by a corporation. But in my opinion, there is no need for a young ophthalmologist to be owned right now. There is plenty of opportunity out there to those...
  4. J

    Public notice: stop taking PE jobs

    Or join a practice outside a huge city. There are tons of jobs available outside major cities. They usually have less competition, lower cost of living, and less PE involvement in the area. Unless there are an odd set of circumstances, there is almost no reason to join a PE group rather than a...
  5. J

    Private Equity in Ophthalmology

    Out of curiosity, did your associate have a vote in the determination to sell to PE? Or was the sale happening regardless of their vote and they could either take the money or leave
  6. J

    Is John Pinto's private practice lecture series still accurate?

    Agree with LesPaul. In my opinion, young docs are just as entrepreneurial as older docs, but millennials have had the rug pulled out from under them by the boomer doc generation.
  7. J

    Recruiter experiences

    FWIW, I used a recruiter. I am very happy and now a partner at my practice. It can be tough to recruit outside major cities.
  8. J

    How do I order USMLE score report?

    What a dumb waste of money.
  9. J

    Current M4s - are you reporting your 2 digit Step 1 score?

    This might be the most neurotic thread in SDN history. It doesn't matter. Don't worry about it. Calm the eff down.
  10. J

    The Ophthalmology Knowledge Assessment Program (OKAP)

    This thread should go in the SDN hall of fame.
  11. J

    Question about recommendations

    Your chairman sounds like a huge tool. 3 ophtho letters is probably better than 2 +1 though. It just increases the likelihood that the interviewer either recognizes the name or actually knows the person.
  12. J

    2011 rank these schools thread

    Anyone have thoughts on Maryland vs Albany?
  13. J

    2011 rank these schools thread

    Any thoughts on West Virginia or USF-Tampa?