Recent content by joeDO2

  1. J

    CDT vs Periph. Lytics in Submassive

    Rebel EM has a great summary of all of the different studies of full dose, half dose, and CDT: Treatment of Submassive Pulmonary Embolism (PE): Full Dose, Half Dose, or No Dose? - R.E.B.E.L. EM - Emergency Medicine Blog Based on the information so far (may evolve as new data comes out), this...
  2. J

    What’s your average census in the community?

    I'm at a mid size community hospital. 15 unit beds. 1 24-hour attending, 1 additional attending during daytime only (approx 8a-4p). 24 hours of coverage by senior resident (EM or IM) and daytime (12hr) intern coverage.
  3. J

    Financial Decisions

    great info, thanks
  4. J

    Financial Decisions

    Wanted to get some opinions on a few financial decisions toward the end of residency: 1. Any good strategies for asset / liability protection? (other than being nice to patients, not screwing up). It seems LLC/S corp does not provide any shelter. Any other strategies you guys are using? 2...
  5. J

    Am I just dumb?

    Expectations are low MS3 year. You're not supposed to know the answers to all the questions. Use those experiences to get better. You won't realize it but gradually every week, every month, you will get better. When they stop asking you questions, that's when to worry. Questions mean...
  6. J

    How do you guys deal with the feeling of "missing something"?

    A lot of fixation on taking a good history and the importance of asking about cocaine use in young chest pain. I find it almost useless. My personal experience thus far is that asking about cocaine and not performing a UDS is like the 17 year old with belly pain telling me that there is no...
  7. J

    Negotiating Salary

    This is discouraging for all of us new grads entering the job market now
  8. J

    Your first EM attending job experience

    Anyone have some tips for things to look out for on the job hunt? When interviewing is there any flexibility to negotiate or are rates/schedules pretty much set in stone with the big CMGs? What has been your experience with standard rate vs rate + RVU jobs? With the SDGs what is a reasonable...
  9. J

    EM Pain Fellowship vs CC? Kind of want out of EM. Any advice?

    Anyone know of a good course to get better at peripheral nerve blocks? I'd like to get better at them..... without doing a pain fellowship
  10. J

    Any Paramedics out there?

    My experience was that being a paramedic had little application to medical school, however medical school had little application to being a doctor.
  11. J

    Do you list differentials in your ED notes?

    I tend to list out and/or explain justifications for diagnoses that I am not getting a specific test for. I feel like my orders are documentation that I have thought of certain things- for example if I am getting a lipase and lfts on a belly pain, I feel that that order is showing I'm...
  12. J

    Current Residents-- Do you use an iWatch and/or would it be useful?

    As long as I am connected to wifi, I can be anywhere in the hospital.
  13. J

    EM--> Sports Med Fellowship

    I agree about the sideline aspect of things. Not really worth the time unless you love doing it. The procedural aspect though could potentially be lucrative. I do know a guy who had a clinic setup and basically had all the PCPs in the area referring to him for sports med consults and ended up...
  14. J

    Current Residents-- Do you use an iWatch and/or would it be useful?

    I find the watch useful because I wear scrubs without a white coat and don't have much pocket space to carry around my phone. I can leave my phone in the locker room / at my desk and still have access to texts and basic functionality.
  15. J

    MI management, basic question

    There is some evidence that high dose statin in ACS is helpful. Very little downside to the 1-time dose in the ED prior to PCI. I think the two main thought processes...