Recent content by lobelsteve

  1. lobelsteve

    Reddit PCP forum - derogatory remarks about pain

    But it IS.
  2. lobelsteve

    Pictures of the Week

    Cord, csf, dura, epidural space. If adequate canal no more concerning than if she had earrings.
  3. lobelsteve


    999 code. Saying you are ablatinig a named nerve is not wise. Clawbacks a coming for you.
  4. lobelsteve

    Pictures of the Week

    Add Zanaflex. Works on cord and brain.
  5. lobelsteve


    Not so sure your CPT is appropriate.
  6. lobelsteve

    Pictures of the Week

    Surgeon dinged the cord. Myelomalacia. Lyrica 300 bid (build up to it). Tough luck. If not tiny and anxious would offer SCS.
  7. lobelsteve

    Reddit PCP forum - derogatory remarks about pain

    Refuse consult - you have nothing to offer. If they make it through your screening, you get to be the bad guy. Regimen is not medically appropriate ever. It is a red flag for DEA and prescribing that way should trigger an audit and investigation. Do you want to lose your license like the last...
  8. lobelsteve

    Pictures of the Week

    Name the species and the joint.....
  9. lobelsteve

    Pictures of the Week

    No. I want cortical disruption in 2 columns
  10. lobelsteve

    Therapeutic genicular blocks ?

    The problem is not the patient, it is thinking you can actually help.
  11. lobelsteve

    Therapeutic genicular blocks ?

    Now pain free, on no meds, and runs 5K regularly.
  12. lobelsteve

    Therapeutic genicular blocks ?

    Cluneal neuralgia, CRPS knee, SIJ instability, vertebrogenic LBP. Industry sponsored Dx. Similar to Thyroid eye disease. At least it is not just us.
  13. lobelsteve

    Pictures of the Week

    It tames me a month from OV to OR most ofvthe time. So do it now move.
  14. lobelsteve

    Pictures of the Week

    Revise it. Move it 3" laterally. Too close to spine for my liking.