Recent content by Milena

  1. M

    The "HARVARDS" of the Academic World. (AKA "The List".)

    •••quote:•••Originally posted by INeedAdvice: •20) Flinders is the "Harvard" of Australia. ••••<font size="2" face="Verdana...
  2. M

    MBChB and MBBS

    I'm doing an MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery. Here, at least (Australia) it is equivalent to an MD, just a different name- we don't have any MD's here, just MBBS's. :)
  3. M

    How old are you now?

    18, applying for 2002. (The application process is different in Australia).
  4. M

    I dont know how to answer this question

    That is tough. I would think about just reinforcing how much you want to do medicine. You know, get that 'impassioned' look on your face and let them know that you're totally committed to being a great doctor, this is the school you want to do it at (even if it isn't ;) ).... But then again...
  5. M

    Specific interview question: how'd you answer it?

    I agree- that's a great response, I think. However, if the patient didn't have a husband or family member present, and had made it clear before the illness that she didn't want a transfusion (I think they carry cards in their wallets) I would not transfuse, regardless of a physician's aim to...
  6. M

    A few interview questions...

    I've been thinking about these typical questions, but haven't got anything spectacular... Any suggestions? 1. What do you think are the negative aspects of studying medicine/being a doctor? (There are some obvious answers, but they can be hard to articulate) 2. What would you do if you...
  7. M

    An interview question...

    Question: "Why did you pick Medicine instead of nursing?" This was asked when I was yabbering on about community service. In response, I said I thought I would enjoy the clinical challenges of medicine, as I really like science. I don't really think this was a good response though-- any...