Recent content by mjl1717

  1. mjl1717


    Soulaire in Santa Monica. I hear they have a machine that helps circulation. Used by entertainers and athletes. Anyone know anything about this?? And can you just purchase the machine??
  2. mjl1717

    Left Bundle Branch Block

    Thx for the quick response!
  3. mjl1717

    Left Bundle Branch Block

    A 90 year old women has very severe fatigue and occasion dizziness with walking. No CP, No SOB, No swelling. Cardiac catheterization revealed some coronary artery aneurysms (which in general are not treated.) PMH reveals mild heart failure, controlled hyperlipidemia, controlled HTN, pre...
  4. mjl1717

    Perineal versing Transrectal prostate biopsy

    I appreciate that!
  5. mjl1717

    Perineal versing Transrectal prostate biopsy

    For urologists. If you were to have prostate biopsy. (12 samples) Which procedure would you do? Perineal or transrectal and why?
  6. mjl1717

    Isosorbide Mononitrate inquiry

    I know that Isosorbide mononitrate XR is used to prevent angina due to CAD. And it does not abort an episode of angina. (the onset of action is too slow). My question: Are their aggressive cardiologist who use it "off label" to assist with blood flow hemodynamics in the elderly??. Even...
  7. mjl1717

    Hygiene question.

    1) To attempt to ensure 24 hr control of her bp. (she recently had 5 day hospital admission for dizziness due to bp flare up, Norvasc bid was added near discharge) But her bp was acutely lowered in hospital with the "dinosaur" Clonidine. Which stopped the dizziness, and allowed her to sleep...
  8. mjl1717

    Hygiene question.

    Thank you. I assume ALF stands for assisted living facility.
  9. mjl1717

    Hygiene question.

    Yes, mild Alzheimer.
  10. mjl1717

    Hygiene question.

    No hx of heart disease, but she has severe fatigue, recently Dxed with hypothyroidism. **Very minimal short term memory. She is on Norvasc 5mg bid Olmesarten medroxil 20mg, triamterene/ HCTZ 37.5/25, isosorbide mono nitrate ER 30mg prophylactically, crestor 10m, ASA 81 mg, donepezil...
  11. mjl1717

    Hygiene question.

    Just to give more info: She is an fragile, 89 yo female. Her children are no longer directly part of household. And only occasionally visit her. Her spouse passed away 11 years ago. She has an aid who helps with ADLs 8 hours per day. Hx of mild anxiety. Hx of severe insomnia. Hx of...
  12. mjl1717

    Hygiene question.

    1) Possibly preventing a skin disorder. 2) After a good shower one may experience renewed vitality.
  13. mjl1717

    Hygiene question.

    Thank you! This is what I was thinking in the crevices of my brain. Just needed to hear someone else express it. I just do not know if its appropriate to say. " I will not take you to Atlantic City." "Or I will not take you to the movies if you do not shower?"
  14. mjl1717

    Hygiene question.

    What do you say? If a friend/patient comes to you and states: "My 89 year old mother with mild dementia will not take a shower or will only take a shower every 2-3 weeks. She just wants to "sponge off". [This has been going on for perhaps 3-4 months] Talking and explaining the...