Recent content by odyssey2

  1. O

    Does your family keep calling your a Radiologist?

    This is funny to me since when I tell people I’m in radiology the number one response I get is “oh it must be so hard to deal with cancer all day”
  2. O

    Ortho vs Radiology

    So we already use AI in my residency and it's mostly used for Yes/No questions about a limited number of specific life-threatening pathologies like PEs or cervical spine fractures. It's good for confirming negative studies but false positives are common and when they happen they actually slow...
  3. O

    Ortho vs Radiology

    I’ve never subscribed to the idea that AI will increase radiology efficiency to the point that it will significantly impact the job market. If the radiologist is still legally on the line for the scans that they read, they’re still going to go through every image no matter what the AI-generated...
  4. O

    Ortho vs Radiology

    It's not difficult at all to do IR if you match DR, especially if you match somewhere with ESIR spots. Most DR people don't want to do IR (for lifestyle reasons you mentioned) so it's usually no issue at all landing those spots.
  5. O

    DO’s applying to IR residency

    Look up charting outcomes in the match for DOs, it's about a 50-60% match rate for IR or DR. It's often at a separate location because you apply for your intern year separately since the vast majority of radiology programs are advanced.
  6. O

    Switching specialities : when to tell PD

    What made you switch?
  7. O

    Do DR programs dismiss your application if it has IR involvement

    Can you think of any reasons why?
  8. O

    Which specialty has the least trainwreck studies?

    Do you find it overall less stressful than other subspecialties? The procedures can be fairly involved and you're dealing with very anxious patients, which I could imagine make it more stressful.
  9. O

    Radiology vs Path

    which would you recommend to med students considering these two fields? They seem to attract similar personalities and both have decent salaries and relatively benign training periods.
  10. O

    Anyone else feel pressure to NOT work hard from residents?

    When they were medical students they were probably annoyed when their seniors didn't tell them to leave or only gave vague indications when it was time to go, so they probably think they're doing you a favor.
  11. O

    If you couldn’t do derm what specialty would you have chosen?

    What would have been your runner up? Were you considering or did you dual apply when you went through the match?
  12. O

    SPOILER!…No one wants to practice clinical medicine

    Anesthesia and especially radiology have become quite a bit more competitive in the past couple years due to hot job markets. There was a slump in the 2010s for rads due to a crappy recession era job market. Ophtho and derm are always competitive in part because they are significantly smaller...
  13. O

    Chances for DR Re-applicant - Current PGY-1

    Yeah if you’re an IMG with a 225 1 there’s no question you apply everywhere, sounds like OP is going off of outdated data
  14. O

    Did I just ruin everything with step 2?

    Definitely don’t give up if you’re set on radiology. You can either dual apply with IM (not an uncommon move these days) but only do this if you’re sure you’re fine with being an IM/IM sub doc for the rest of your career, or apply with the understanding you may only match a prelim and have to...