Recent content by Optogal

  1. Optogal

    Going to optometry for routine checks?

    If healthy, 20 to early 40s range. I'd say 2-3 years is certainly adequate. I don't tell anyone who is plano OU with no pathology and 28 yo that they have to come every year, because they don't. If you start telling them things that are clearly not true, then you start to lose credibility.
  2. Optogal

    Internal debacle

    My feeling is that if you go into medicine, it's really only worth it if you specialize because even if your life is miserable, you can't turn down that kind of money. If you are in family meds, then I think dentistry, optometry etc. can be a better career. The money starts to be comparable...
  3. Optogal

    Is dentistry future-proof?

    +1. Never heard of that. Alright. Obviously I'm suffering from a bit of "grass is greener" syndrome. I didn't know about any of the concerns in your profession.
  4. Optogal

    Is dentistry future-proof?

    That's what I'm here to ask. It's not that I think robots won't do dentistry, it's that I don't know if there is an impetus for the development of robots to do dentistry. Perhaps you know the answer to this question? Is this happening or are you replying facetiously? OK but non-prospective...
  5. Optogal

    Is dentistry future-proof?

    I never thought to consider tuition costs as I'm in Canada and I'm quite sure it isn't nearly as crippling as they are in the US. With regards to my initial query (re: obsolescence), is it fair to consider dentistry fairly future proof?
  6. Optogal

    Is dentistry future-proof?

    Just for the 4 year degree? That is a monumental debt that is basically equivalent to a large mortgage. Even with a decent salary that would take decades to pay off. What would the interest rate be on that loan?
  7. Optogal

    Is dentistry future-proof?

    800k just for tuition?
  8. Optogal

    Is dentistry future-proof?

    This might be the first time I've been in this sub. So I gather that the economics of dentistry aren't good for new practitioners? Why is this? What is DSO and CBCT?
  9. Optogal

    Is dentistry future-proof?

    Hi folks I'm in a position where I can make career recommendations for young people. I'm trying to be very forward looking. I'm aware that due to advances in tech, biotech, AI etc. that the job market in 25 years could be very different from what we have now. It would seem that a...
  10. Optogal

    Optometry Contracts

    Do 5 mile, 5 years exist? Mine was 5 km, 6 months. 25 miles, 10 years is almost certainly not going to stand up in court. In an ironic way, that's the type that one shouldn't be afraid to sign since it would be thrown out by a judge, and therefore moot. Non competes are on shakier grounds these...
  11. Optogal


    Popular also these days is low-dose atropine.
  12. Optogal

    Should I TA?

    I'm assuming you're asking about TAing in optometry school and not undergrad. Honestly, I don't really think the pros outweigh the cons. Sure it's "only" 2 hours a week of teaching, but it'll probably cost you a bit more time than that, if you include prep. And for $30? I can't see how that's...
  13. Optogal

    cryptocurrency forum (bitcoin and more)

    Up to the minute. Ransom attack on Tether. Is there anything that can make any cryptohodler confident in this charade?
  14. Optogal

    cryptocurrency forum (bitcoin and more)

    Update. Well an hour later, and Bitcoin is down another 1K from when I made the above post. Some people are speculating an attack is being made on Tether. There are obviously some already-deep-pocketed people who could be made very rich by that.
  15. Optogal

    cryptocurrency forum (bitcoin and more)

    The issue "right now", is that it seems the entire crypto space is literally a house of cards/dominoes (pick your analogy). A month ago, an attack was made on Terra, which crashed Luna. Celsius had significant Luna holdings, so they fell taking their CEL coin with it. 3AC had big holdings in...