Recent content by OzFan321

  1. O

    Why does prestige matter for residency?

    Thanks for all the replies. Would it be advantageous for a residency applicant who is solely interested in working as a private practitioner to do a community residency in their chosen locale versus going for a big-name academic residency that might not even be in the same area of the country...
  2. O

    Why does prestige matter for residency?

    So why does it matter if a person matches at a top hospital? I understand the fact that places like MGH, Columbia, Cornell, etc have great doctors and great training, but for most doctors who aren't planning an academic career- why does it truly matter? From the doctors I know, many have...
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    Biochem Shelf Exam

    I'm taking the Shelf exam in a week. My school has this policy- you need to get a 62 to pass. And the Shelf doesn't count as part of the grade, you just need it to pass. From what the professor said, a 62 is the 15% percentile, which is pretty low. My question is this, out of 120 questions on...
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    Reviewing for Biochem Shelf Exam

    Hi everyone, I'm beginning to review for a biochemistry shelf exam (miniboard) I have on December 20 and was looking for some pointers of how best to review. My school teaches biochem integrated with cell bio and we learned the glucose and lipid pathways last semester. Anyways, I'm begining...
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    SUNY Upstate Hold Status=Bad news?

    Does anyone here know if people have been rejected outright from Upstate at this point or are they only giving out "holds" and interviews?
  6. O

    The "I'm canceling my membership with AMSA" support thread

    From my brief skimming of all these postings, I think that many of you, while much more educated than myself, seem to forget a few key points. You forget that your spending a good decade and a half of your lives in school and training (for low pay) to be a doctor. Meanwhile some of your...
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    26M and 2.75 from Lower Ivy School-Can this person get in?

    Yeah you've seen this a million times but I'll add another thread. This is for a friend who just took the August MCAT. Also, this person is non-minority white (don't bash me for the race issue, its a legit factor), so factoring this in as well as decent ec's, can they get in? If this school has...
  8. O

    Question about GPA and Ivy League Applicants

    Does anyone here know of anyone who got into an American Allopathic (MD) school from an Ivy league undergrad with a 3.2 overall, 2.8 BCPM average or something around that range? If so, where did they go?
  9. O

    Why Columbia?

    The area west of St. Nicholas Ave and north 125th Street would be classified by many as Harlem and further north, Washington Height/Inwood. I've been in the area (near City College) and find that it is generally safe during the day. That may be due to the ativity of student walking to/from the...
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    How to get to JFK from grand central station

    The M60 bus runs between Columbia University and LaGuardia airport, which on the north shore (I guess you'd say) of Queens. JFK is on the South Shore. If you're travelling during rush hour, take the 7- it might be closer to access than the S even though they are in the same station, to Times...
  11. O

    Foxy's a GATOR!!!! I'm going to the University of Florida!!!!!!!

    Congratulations on your acceptance. I know you will do well there since it is your first choice. Have a fun summer. :)
  12. O

    The long road ahead (HS to MD)

    •••quote:•••Originally posted by Dr. Parker: •I just graduated from highschool, and I am intent on becoming a doctor. But despite all my passion and desire...
  13. O

    Roomate needed at NYCOM

    I sent you a PM. Check your messages.
  14. O

    Pre-Med Question

    Foxy, thanks for the info. I've seen your numerous posts, but never knew that! Anyways, my friend wants to take organic at a local 4-year college during the summer session which is about 8 weeks. Will this help? Or will it be hard to do well and keep good grades? She also wants to take physics...