Recent content by PharmBoy90

  1. P

    Does this Rad Tech Program seem legit?

    I want to become a rad tech and I was looking into this program that is close to home. It looks like they are "recognized by the ARRT" but are not JRCERT yet, but are having a site visit toward the second half of this year. Will I be able to sit for the boards by completing this program? And...
  2. P

    Question Is there a section for posting about Rad Tech/Ultrasound Techs on here?

    Maybe I'm blind, but I was wondering what the appropriate forum would be to post about careers like Radiologic Techs/Radiographer and Ultrasound Techs (if any)? I don't want to post in the wrong forum. Thanks.
  3. P

    Any good apps for Anatomy skeleton/muscle studying?

    Hey guys. I'm taking Anatomy & Physiology I, and I have an upcoming lab exam on the axial skeleton bones and muscles. I'm looking for a good iPhone/Mac app of the skeleton, that also allows shows specific features like the coronal suture on the skull, palatine process on the face, etc. Any...
  4. P

    I think I want to be a clinician, but not sure how I feel about drawing blood...any advice?

    I'm now considering Radiation Therapy. I work for Memorial Sloan Kettering and they offer a program. It's full time for 23 months, but it's only $5k per year (plus they give scholarships). I'd only need to take A&P I and take an entrance exam then I can apply. They make decent money from...
  5. P

    I think I want to be a clinician, but not sure how I feel about drawing blood...any advice?

    Yeah, I've heard that PAs do little if any blood drawing/IVs. I'd probably prefer that route, but like I said, OChem was really hard for me. I guess I can find a way to get through it, it's just going to be tough taking all of these pre-reqs since I work full time 9-5. I'm 28 years old, not...
  6. P

    I think I want to be a clinician, but not sure how I feel about drawing blood...any advice?

    I've always wanted a career in healthcare. I used to be a pharmacy tech, tried pre-pharmacy and gave up on it. Then I was considering being a PA and kind of gave up on that as well. My main issues were with Organic Chem. Anyway, I am now working in an administrative role at Memorial Sloan...
  7. P

    Nursing (RN) programs in NY that don't require pre-reqs?

    Just curious as to whether there are any nursing programs that don't require a ton of pre-reqs prior to being accepted. For example, a program where you can just apply and if you are accepted, complete what ever classes are needed during the program? I have my Bachelors in Business and am...
  8. P

    Is pharmacy school worth being in 220k of debt?

    About $35k of my $70k in student loans are private loans. Assuming I were to go into this program using federal loans, I could get the loans forgiven after working 10 years for a non-profit making minimum monthly payments. After that, I'd have only my private loans left to pay off which isn't...
  9. P

    Is pharmacy school worth being in 220k of debt?

    So, I'm reviving this thread because I am taking a look at this again...I have really had no luck with my useless business degree. I got a job last year doing auto claims for an insurance company which I hated, so I quit and this year I started a new job at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer...
  10. P

    PA programs where you can complete pre-reqs if accepted?

    I'm not sure if this is the appropriate (if not, I apologize and a mod can feel free to move it). Anyway, I have a Bachelor's in Business Management with a 3.64 GPA and I have a few sciences courses completed already. I was wondering if there are any PA programs that I can apply to without...
  11. P

    Considering Pharmacy Tech as a long-term career...can I make it?

    Aside from pharmacy, working in Healthcare Administration was always something I've been interested in. I just scored an interview with Memorial Sloan-Kettering for an entry-level Healthcare Admin position, but it only pays $45k per year, which is $21k per year less than what I am making now...
  12. P

    Considering Pharmacy Tech as a long-term career...can I make it?

    There are a lot of opportunities at my company, I just don't know how long I can hang in there until I can transfer departments or need to be with the company at least a year, but the stress level is so high and I just can't take it anymore (I have issues with anxiety I'm not...
  13. P

    Considering Pharmacy Tech as a long-term career...can I make it?

    So, I'm 27 years old and currently still living at home (unfortunately). I graduated in May 2016 with my BS in Business Management, because I pretty much gave up on my dreams of being a Pharmacist or Physician Assistant as the science courses were too difficult for me. I have worked in the...
  14. P

    Another new pharmacy school in NY - Stony Brook

    Any update on this?
  15. P

    Is pharmacy school worth being in 220k of debt?

    Why do people keep going for pharmacy and more and more schools open if there isn't a demand then?