Recent content by racergirl

  1. R

    medical dictionary

    Hi Oldman! I don't know if this is quite what you're looking for, but I've been carrying the "Medical Student's Pocket Reference 4rth Ed" by Ken Bookstein MD around with me. It's very small and light, but runs over 350 pages, organized by organ system. It also has a microbial database, a nice...
  2. R

    female med students and dating

    Poor Subee! your thread really got waylayed, didn't it? I have posted on the dating topic in other threads, and there I said that A) I have had no problem dating while in med school, and B) that I don't volunteer the fact I'm in med school when I meet someone new. But let me clarify that I...
  3. R

    dating in med school?

    Mrla, In addition to the wacky detour your thread has taken, let me chime in with a slightly more serious response: I'm just finishing my first year of med school now, and I have had NO trouble dating while in school. The spring before I started med school, my boyfriend and I broke up. I...
  4. R

    When things go terribly wrong...

    I know this seems like a big deal to you now, but just take a deep breath. You're fine, and here's why: 1. You now have until the end of May to finish the paper, right? It should be outstanding by then! 2. Waiting until mid-june to send your transcripts is not that late if that's your...
  5. R

    Repentant deadbeat ISO an MD, here we go again...

    WanderingDave, Let me just echo what everyone has said here and add a few quick things. First, you will have NO trouble gaining acceptance to a US medical school if you do well in your prereqs and the MCAT. Second, you should come back to the US to fullfill your prereqs, which just so you...
  6. R

    Conflicting Scores on Verbal

    The AAMC II is very old, and thus much easier than current material. That why you're seeing variation in your scores.
  7. R

    already in.. but i screwed up

    Your other grades are solid, so you really don't have anything to worry about. No matter what happens with the professor, I WOULD contact your med school and explain about the one poor grade. You have proof of serious illness. CONTACT THE DEAN. I all but guarantee you he/she will tell you...
  8. R

    to all future Mds

    Yep, I go to U of MN as well, and I use the Lectures Online a LOT. For instance, we had a genentics class that met at 8:00 AM and I didn't go once--A week before the final, I downloaded all the notes and watched all the lectures online in the comfort of my home (ie, with beer in hand). The...
  9. R

    What to do until I start med school?

    Congrats Adcadet! By all means do NOT (NOT NOT NOT) spend your last months of freedom "taking extra classes to prepare for med school". Just relax, finish up your MPH, and have fun!
  10. R

    Need some advice

    Standard procedure for you is to accept the spot and send the $100. It's fine for you to accept and hold multiple acceptances until May 15. If you make a decision on or before May 15th, most schools will refund your $100 deposit if you later decide not to attend. Congrats on your acceptance...
  11. R

    I feel ******ed...lower MCAT 2nd Time

    You probably should take the MCAT again, but DON'T bother unless you can bring yourself to actually study for it! Man, you're getting average scores with practically no preparation--imagine how you'd do if you REALLY prepaed for the test? Stop selling yourself short and give yourself a chance...
  12. R

    HELP-they want me to come in for 3rd interview

    Go to the third interview, by all means. Something about you might be rubbing the doc you interviewed with the wrong way, so the school is trying to be fair and give you another chance with someone else. Basically, the school wants a second opinion--about you! Too bad they didn't catch this...
  13. R

    Interview with a PhD...thoughts?

    Don't worry-I interviewed with a PhD at the U of MN last year and in some ways I liked it better than interviewing with an MD--a PhD interview can be a lot more down to earth. Some tips: You get the name of the interviewer, so do some research on Him/Her--they love it when you know what...
  14. R

    what are my chances? low GPA good MCAT

    Very true. I think your numbers are high enough to get over most initial numbers screens, so your application will be looked at. Thus, impressive ECs will make a difference. I had a GPA slightly lower and an MCAT a bit higher than yours last year when I applied. I ended up with 2...
  15. R

    MS1s that HAVE started med school!!

    Yeah, and my coat is big enough for 3 of me! I look like a 7-year-old in it. I can't believe I have to walk around in it for the next four years--yeesh!