Recent content by SeniorWrangler

  1. SeniorWrangler

    Inpatient Losing Its Appeal

    This will sound dumb but the only way to motivate people like that is to befriend them so they want to be in your team and help you out. Giving little presents helps, too.
  2. SeniorWrangler

    Inpatient Losing Its Appeal

    I did inpatient for a long time and eventually started to feel like Dr Daneeka of Catch-22 fame, an enthusiastic cog in a hideously broken system.
  3. SeniorWrangler

    Fellowships Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel: Implications for Pain?

    How do you judge people’s professionalism before they show up? Were they doing beer bongs on Facebook or something? Or just rude during interviews?
  4. SeniorWrangler

    KOL vs DOL: Implications for Pain...

    I tried to get a KOL marketing deal for the DISCWASHER (TM) but they acted like I was crazy.
  5. SeniorWrangler

    KOL vs DOL: Implications for Pain...

    The word you’re looking for is “salesman.” There’s nothing wrong with salesmen and they have difficult jobs but the pain field already has plenty of hype, thanks.
  6. SeniorWrangler


    So Uber, but for psychiatry? Brilliant!
  7. SeniorWrangler

    No Need for Utoxes Anymore

    The Krauthammer rule says you can get on TV and make bank diagnosing unpopular public figures with psych disorders and nobody will care except for a few grumpy psychiatrists.
  8. SeniorWrangler

    Pushback from other clinicians with benzo tapers

    A thankless job no matter how you parse it.
  9. SeniorWrangler

    Pain jobs at Kaiser

    This thread is a good example of why I say nobody should take a job because of the prospect of partnership. Partnership may never happen.
  10. SeniorWrangler

    Being ghosted

    I recommend not giving a lot of thought to this, just like those feedback surveys you’ll get if you work for a hospital saying that only 93.5% of patients think you really care, when your peers average 93.6%. There’s no award in psychiatry for Dr. Congeniality.
  11. SeniorWrangler

    Botox for neuropathic pain

    Has anybody used Xeomin for this? Cheaper and it’s off label either way.
  12. SeniorWrangler

    In 2024, is it true that the HPSP should be avoided like the plague?

    If you've got a spouse already, talk to them, they're going to be living with the military too; my wife did not enjoy getting sent to Kansas with me for my first duty station and it took a while for her to get her career back on track.
  13. SeniorWrangler

    Help me soul search with some reality

    Consider the odds of the US getting into a reasonably big war in the next 8 years where you might get deployed from the Reserves with a small kid and a developing career. That's the biggest risk associated with reserve duty IMO, that you might end up supporting Operation [Adjective] Freedom.
  14. SeniorWrangler

    Being ghosted

    You could always call them up and ask, too. A friendly call is appreciated by most patients unless you left on bad terms and will do more to tell you what happened than 100 posts. You might make it clear that you're not trying to get them back, just interested in hearing their side. That...
  15. SeniorWrangler

    Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes...

    They probably work for peanuts and don’t ask too many questions.