Recent content by shezadeh

  1. shezadeh

    Have been considering Podiatry school for many years, debating - chances?

    Thanks, I will look into it. I understand that this is great training (see more cases, etc), and I can definately see how the interdisciplinary stuff comes into play. I heard in many programs, Pods will do peds, IM, neuro, and even things like OB/GYN rotations. I am just trying to get an idea...
  2. shezadeh

    Accepted 30’s + nontrad, AMA

    Did you have to do labs for your DIY postbacc? Just curious how that worked (partnership with local college, etc). Congratulations!
  3. shezadeh

    Have been considering Podiatry school for many years, debating - chances?

    I guess I am naive, as I thought there were simply not that many foot related issues that would result in 60 being the low end, and 80-100 not being unheard of.
  4. shezadeh

    Is it still possible to do a Nuclear Medicine residency on its own?

    Interesting, there used to be many more.
  5. shezadeh

    Is it still possible to do a Nuclear Medicine residency on its own?

    That was the exact reason. Some FMGs/IMGs would rather match in something rather than be unmatched completely.
  6. shezadeh

    Third Year at TUSPM, ask me anything

    Are most of your rotations in PA or the northeast, or can you go anywhere in the country?
  7. shezadeh

    Third Year at TUSPM, ask me anything

    Every school's curriculum is different, but do you get summers off?
  8. shezadeh

    Have been considering Podiatry school for many years, debating - chances?

    Is residency actually like 60-80 hours a week, or is that an over-exaggeration? I know some people who did Family Medicine and said *certain weeks* were 70, 80 hours, but in their program most weeks were not 70/80 hour weeks...
  9. shezadeh

    Looks like some of the forum posts are accessible here, but in read-only mode
  10. shezadeh

    Sigh, so much for looking into my old DMs...
  11. shezadeh

    Is it still possible to do a Nuclear Medicine residency on its own?

    Where can one view this information? Sorry, still trying to learn how this works
  12. shezadeh

    I was trying to find some old posts that were helpful....
  13. shezadeh

    Too Old?

    I know of a person who did an associate degree in nursing (which allowed them to become an RN) at a community college (so no debt). This person worked for a few years, went back for a BSN, worked for a few years, and now has an MSN and is an inpatient NP (who does not think that NPs > Doctors)...
  14. shezadeh

    I used to frequent the oldpremeds forums back in the day. Is it just me, or is the site gone?
  15. shezadeh

    Forum Members Official: Job Offer Thread

    Orthotics/Prosthetics/Pedorthics lab? Wait until you see towns with 1k people or less....