Recent content by Shiyuan

  1. Shiyuan

    Forum Members Official: Job Offer Thread

    “Steal OUR associates” lol
  2. Shiyuan

    Memes of Podiatry

  3. Shiyuan

    Memes of Podiatry

  4. Shiyuan

    Memes of Podiatry

  5. Shiyuan

    Memes of Podiatry

    They're nice, but IMO really wide.
  6. Shiyuan

    Podiatry income across professions

    Quite a few of us are, actually. I am blessed to make MGMA salary, working 3.5ish days like you are, great bennies, etc. Like you, podiatry has been amazing to me, it just makes me sad seeing so many of my peers ending up in horrid-pay/horrid-lifestyle associateship jobs. … and no, I won’t be...
  7. Shiyuan

    Becoming ABFAS certified

    Happy Memorial Day all!
  8. Shiyuan

    Becoming ABFAS certified

    Personally, I try to attend non-DPM conferences like the state derm or rheum ones. Great info and lots of smart docs to learn from.
  9. Shiyuan

    2024 AACPM individual school recruitment events

    Not a DPM school, FYI.
  10. Shiyuan

    Podiatry income across professions

    Insightful. Thanks for the links.
  11. Shiyuan

    Podiatry income across professions

    Y’all gotta keep in mind MGMA is not salary… it’s total compensation (salary + benefits).
  12. Shiyuan

    Advice for Graduating Residents

    Never do cosmetic surgery 🥸
  13. Shiyuan

    Cantharone Plus Lawsuit / Dormer Cantharone / FDA fail

    Yes, good EBD on oral zinc. You just have to have them take higher doses... I usually have pts take 50mg PO TID w/ food to avoid stomach issues.
  14. Shiyuan

    Cantharone Plus Lawsuit / Dormer Cantharone / FDA fail

    I use 5FU as often as I can. That with oral zinc.
  15. Shiyuan

    Forum Members Official: Job Offer Thread

    Looks like LECOM CPM Dean resigned… PMNews posted for position.