Recent content by sisson329

  1. S

    Clinical pharmacist inpatient VA (Veteran's Affairs) questions

    Yeah sounds like there's some interesting stuff out there! Curious about the CDC remote jobs, I'll have to do some digging some time. I hear ya, it's the small part of why I feel like I might miss what I have currently. We don't have provider status or anything but I've garnered a lot of trust...
  2. S

    Clinical pharmacist inpatient VA (Veteran's Affairs) questions

    Hey Bacilus! Thanks so much for the detailed response. I agree that everywhere has its issues and I wouldn’t jump ship for no reason. Been doing EM for 8 years now and I’m just burnt out, in need of a change. I have 2 years left on my public service loan forgiveness but I’ll also ask about the...
  3. S

    Clinical pharmacist inpatient VA (Veteran's Affairs) questions

    So I've read just about everything I've been able to find on reddit/here about the VA work experience, salaries, pros/cons, etc. I've learned so much just from the little that was out there so HUGE appreciation from the posters helping out there. Most of these seem to have been for the GS12 (if...
  4. S

    Experience working for the VA or Kaiser?

    Thanks Doc Hawaii, the site helped quite a bit. Bacillus: Glad to see someone who's worked for them post, very helpful! I have read a lot about the PSLF and yeah it seems like they're still doing it but they're trying to adapt it. Have you read about that recently? I still think what they're...
  5. S

    Stick to Pharmacy or no?

    I don't know if we're incredibly special or not, but my last graduating class at our school at 30/33 resident applicants match. I would say we're either stellar, or it's not THAT doom and gloom.
  6. S

    Experience working for the VA or Kaiser?

    I've been out to Boise, Idaho jafx and I'm assuming it's fairly similar? It was definitely a lot sunnier, but it reminded me of Oregon in how everytime the sun came out it was freezing cold, haha. I might try visiting in the spring/summer sometime. I'm really a desert kind of guy (I know most...
  7. S

    Experience working for the VA or Kaiser?

    Of course, but my experience is that it all ends up similar in the long run, peeling it off in one area or another. I've decided that it's more important that I have the weather and area I want to be in rather than focus solely on money, but money does help ;) Cannot stand how depressing the...
  8. S

    Working for Kaiser

    Disregard this post sorry, can't figure out how to delete it.
  9. S

    Working for Kaiser

    Hi all, probably looking for a hospital job/residency in either Am Care or Crit Care (yeah I know, I'm an incoming p4 and pushing hard for residency). I just really want to know what everyone's experience has been working for the two different health systems. Pros/cons? Salaries/wages/benefits...
  10. S

    Experience working for the VA or Kaiser?

    Hi all, probably looking for a hospital job/residency in either Am Care or Crit Care (yeah I know, I'm an incoming p4 and pushing hard for residency). I just really want to know what everyone's experience has been working for the two different health systems. Pros/cons? Salaries/wages/benefits...
  11. S

    Pharmacists Working in PBMs/Managed Care are Scumbags #RuiningTheProfession

    I think it's funny to see how many pharmacists have no pucking CLUE about what's going on, haha. I've even brought up recent legislation with pharmacists and have them look at me completely glazed. Just as age doesn't equal wisdom, neither does a title, plenty of people are content with living...
  12. S

    really annoyed after 2nd day of school

    This post made me giggle.
  13. S

    Thinking of dropping out of pharmacy school..

    I've realized that I'm joining the masses of apocalyptic posters on here and ward off pre-pharmacy students. I'm thinking it's better to join then fight them, financially speaking. So yes you should quit, and yes you should go for engineering. Preferably something risky, in which you'll get...
  14. S

    Pharmacists Working in PBMs/Managed Care are Scumbags #RuiningTheProfession

    Wow I'm a bit shocked to see this many people not understand what PBMs really do. I figured it was something most pharmacists pieced together over time in dealing with billing or just keeping up with current events. If you're trying to beat up on the poster for acting as if he's understands it...
  15. S

    I got a job

    Interning at a very profitable LTC pharmacy (mix of closed door and a few that are operated much more like a retail site but within facilities) and it's nothing like that picture AT all, haha. The smiles here are real. It's all dependent on the company and the environment. I swear to god it's...