Recent content by styphon

  1. styphon

    Ease of becoming a hospitalist from FM residency?

    I had a hospital heavy FM rotation, then went into primary care + urgent care/ER for 6 years. I went back to hospitalist last year. I am the only family med MD on the service of +40 doctors, and I feel I am just as qualified/trained as the IM doctors.
  2. styphon

    Do I really need board certification?

    I am going to pile on here and agree. Do not leave residency after one year. If you ever want to do something outside of DPC you will have no chance. I had our certification lady call the insurance companies to see if they required me to be BC to bill, ALL OF THEM (even medicaid) SAID YES...
  3. styphon

    2020 FM Physicians - what do you earn?

    Previous to this, I had done 1 day every week of urgent care for 6 years. For the hospitalist position I am on my second year. If I was to change things, I may change to 12hr+8hr weekend shift.
  4. styphon

    2020 FM Physicians - what do you earn?

    East coast, semi-rural area. Outpatient practice, about 45hr/wk. $235,000 Also work every other weekend, for 2x12hr shifts at suburban hospital, make around $80,000 a yr.
  5. styphon

    Please help me decide between two job offers!

    You will have trouble finding a job outside a desirable city that would help you get a Visa and also pays well, so you will have to settle. It seems location matters a lot to you, which makes Job 2 desirable. But that pay rate is horrible, especially since you will work over 40hrs each week...
  6. styphon

    Hospital during COVID-19

    I work for a hospitalist group for a urban hospital in an area with lots of COVID. From what I understand, the plan as hospitalist go down will be to at first make part time/per diem hospitalist full time, then move onto community physicians. For the ICU, the plan was to take the hospitalist and...
  7. styphon

    Patient volume in COVID-19 era

    I am seeing 3-10 a day, before this I was seeing around 22 a day on average. Our county will likely have >1,000 positives today, despite very limited ability to test.
  8. styphon

    Why does everyone lose their minds over FM having a wide scope of practice, but lets midlevels do literally anything?

    I think you misunderstood my wording. Our rural ERs have midlevels working ALONE, there is no physician in the hospital at all. Sure, someone signs charts at a later date, but that physician is not present in the hospital at all. This amounts to complete autonomy.
  9. styphon

    Offering PrEP to patients. Resources available?

    You can contact the drug company that makes truvada, and they can have meetings with your staff, and with you, to further discuss PrEP.
  10. styphon

    Why does everyone lose their minds over FM having a wide scope of practice, but lets midlevels do literally anything?

    I do not feel the same way. Each attending will have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, as family medicine I start and manage Insulin pumps. I have used U-500. I have two educators/nutritionist. There is nothing an endo can offer re: DM that I can't. I do feel push back from...
  11. styphon

    Procedures and minor surgery in family medicine

    What procedures are you interested in? If you are stuck on doing laparoscopic surgeries, then family medicine is not for you. I try to thing of major procedures I know local family medicine do: and it is C/S and colonoscopies. The rest of common family medicine procedures are usually clinic...
  12. styphon

    Fellowship after residency ?

    Most importantly, most "fellowships" in family medicine are not like the typical subspecialists fellowships where you get boarded. There is use in the fellowships, such as sports, hospice, and OB as they usually widen your scope of practice, give you more experience with specific procedures, and...
  13. styphon

    OB in FM

    Theoretically in the U.S., you can. But in reality, in the cities you will face too high competition for patients to be sustainable. But the statement above confuses me, if you don't care about the non-pregnant patients, why not just do OB/GYN and become a laborist?
  14. styphon


    I live outside of a mid-sized city (around 500k population), EVERY hospital in the city AND suburbs require EM boards to be in the ER. This includes the level I trauma center, plus the tertiary hospitals, plus the suburban hospitals who funnel patients to the fore-mentioned places. The area I...
  15. styphon

    board certification or board eligibility

    In NY, I had our billing ladies ask the insurance companies about BE/BC. Everyone of them required board CERTIFICATION, the fact that I was board eligible did not matter. This also included medicaid along with the private insurances. I also can not do Workers Comp/No fault exams without being...