Recent content by theshellyb

  1. theshellyb

    Started licensing process in a state I will no longer be working in

    Counterpoint: Finish the application. If you're starting a new job you never know how the job you end up with will go and it is a lot easier to find a new one in that other state if you are already licensed. Not to mention additional benefits of licenses in a few states for telehealth reasons...
  2. theshellyb

    (Peripartum) Psychiatry Training in OB/GYN?

    There are informal fellowships. A friend of mine did one at Northwestern and I'm pretty sure you could set something up with UNC (one of the only peripartum inpatient psych departments in the country). I think they are more casual / working fellowships (like you are working as an attending but...
  3. theshellyb

    Does the thrill of L&D fade away with time?

    Counterargument: I love it. I'm 3 years out of residency, and I've narrowed my practice to inpatient L&D / outpatient family planning. L&D is never boring. There is always something going on, whether that be extremely acute patients with major medical issues, or weird husbands that make funny...
  4. theshellyb

    [Rant] 3D ultrasound is the stupidest technological “advancement” of the 21st century

    3D ultrasound is not useless. Very helpful for uterine anomalies etc. Your rant with people coming to triage for an unindicated ultrasound is a separate issue.
  5. theshellyb

    What “niche” (not fellowship) areas are there in general OB/GYN?

    Haha very true- just making a joke because earlier you said "Colonoscopy". Bad time if if you're using that Tischler and getting back rectal mucosa.
  6. theshellyb

    What “niche” (not fellowship) areas are there in general OB/GYN?

    Vaginitis Pelvic pain / Endo Vulvar disorders Menopause / HRT Just a few off the top of my head
  7. theshellyb

    Peripartum Psychiatry

    We desperately need more psychiatrists that specialize in pregnancy. "Stop all your meds in pregnancy" is too often the advice patients get and it's terrible. There are also so many opportunites / need for research in the field. DO IT.
  8. theshellyb

    OB GYN Fellowship Advice

    You have the same timeline as if you didn't do fellowship. I did not pursue a fellowship and took ABOG generalist boards as soon as I could, so graduated residency in 2019, started collecting cases pretty much on starting work in Summer 2019, applied Summer 2020, took the test Winter 2020-2021...
  9. theshellyb

    Covid vaccine in pregnant women

    Yes, let's please not start saying things like Because, that is just patently false and doctors are the last people we need asking "hypothetical" questions like that. You know what we DO know from studies? Pregnant women with covid are more likely to end up in the ICU and die than non...
  10. theshellyb

    When are oral boards dates assigned?

    Correct. ABOG has in the bulletin the following: "Candidates may NOT request a specific month for their examination unless there is a serious reason that is beyond the control of the candidate such as military deployment, medical issue, or a pregnancy complication. Any request must be...
  11. theshellyb

    When are oral boards dates assigned?

    Last year it was "By Aug 31, 2020" but last year was a scheduling cluster for obvious reasons so grain of salt. But Some time around Aug / Sep. (Sucks for planning, I know).
  12. theshellyb

    Wheelhouse question (psych)

    This. There are many medications that fall within the wheelhouse of multiple specialties for multiple uses. If a pulmonologist is diagnosing pulmonary hypertension, it would be insane for them to refer to a urologist for sildenafil. GIs use misoprostol for stomach ulcers and OBs use them for...
  13. theshellyb

    Wheelhouse question (psych)

    This sounds like a totally reasonable thing for you to do. OCPs are the treatment for PMDD, which you are diagnosing. We start OCPs on patients ALL THE TIME without pelvic exams. They are not necessary for initiating birth control. The idea of holding OCP refills hostage for a patient to get...
  14. theshellyb

    Rhesus Disease

    Would not affect timing of Rhogam in future pregnancies. If the Rh+ transfusion was not noticed and she became sensitized, you don't give Rhogam (the ship has sailed). If they did notice and she got Rhogam after the accidental transfusion and she avoided sensitization, you would give the Rhogam...