Recent content by theshinning

  1. T

    Any news from Baylor - anyone?? anyone?!!?

    Hey Wazupshah - I interviewed there on the same day. I was the 'anthropologist' who got lost in Houston's tunnel system. How's it going? (To keep this on topic, I haven't heard anything from the school yet)
  2. T

    Texas Waitlist

    I just called the admissions office in UTHSC-San Antonio and was told letters indicating spots on the alternate lists were sent out today -- more will be sent tomorrow. "And that's as far as we've gotten," she said. (How much further can you go?)
  3. T

    Staying with a Student Host

    Hello! I believe this is the thread Amy B was talking about. Hope it helps!
  4. T

    what's the deal? columbia extending deadlines?

    How far did they extend the deadline? Hmmm... My guess is that they're making up for lost time, since the application went online a few weeks later than their website had claimed.
  5. T

    Autopsy Assistant

    Hello! I had the opportunity to intern at the local ME's office, which i obtained from my school's Anthropology department -- they had an arrangement with the medical examiner in which anthro majors could intern for a semester. I wasn't exactly an assistant... I observed autopsies, but my...
  6. T

    Man oh Man Columbia

    Blargh... more questions... For those of you who uploaded your coursework, is it permissible to upload your entire coursework, hence not including anything in the online fields provided?
  7. T

    Man oh Man Columbia

    BUMP and one more question... When creating an additional document to be uploaded, should we save it as a text file, or can we save it as Rich Text Format?
  8. T

    AMCAS Phone Number

    Hi! I believe the number to AMCAS is (202) 828-0600. Good luck!
  9. T

    TMDSAS Application!!

    •••quote:•••Originally posted by castaway: •Hi I applied to both TX and AMCAS schools and will start at a Texas Tech this fall. I used the optional essay...