Recent content by tr

  1. tr

    Most Important Research or Advancements Needed to Improve Psychiatry Care?

    I think that really depends on the content and hypothesis. Imaging is a type of tool. There are a lot of crappy imaging studies out there. Some useful ones as well. That type of trial is usually funded by pharma. It's the result of the fact that our health care provision is tied to a...
  2. tr

    Most Important Research or Advancements Needed to Improve Psychiatry Care?

    It's because we don't have the pathophysiology. It's just a bunch of grouped clinical descriptors. Without any understanding of the underlying mechanisms, rearranging the descriptors isn't going to help either.
  3. tr

    Most Important Research or Advancements Needed to Improve Psychiatry Care?

    These are separate questions. For the field overall, I'd say the most glaring issue is we need us some actual pathophysiology. I understand that's a very broad ask. I think the neural circuits people are probably the closest to getting usable information on this. For an individual who wants to...
  4. tr

    The Shortening of Post-Graduate Training

    I think the mindset that an R01 defines the beginning of one's mature scientific career is just not representative of the facts on the ground. An R01 is a 5-year project grant, for which you have to have a substantial research track record in order to be competitive. The process of science has...
  5. tr

    The Shortening of Post-Graduate Training

    So R01 is a mid-career level type of grant. Early career is supported by career development mechanisms. That's not really surprising. The publication record and prelim data you need to present to get an R01 funded pretty much bring you past the early career point.
  6. tr

    The Shortening of Post-Graduate Training

    Dropping updated numbers here. Median age at first R01 for MDs and MD/PhDs in 2023 was 45.
  7. tr

    Good canned response to research position request?

    These are spam. These people are sending hundreds of emails, and as you note the barriers to employing foreign nationals are much too high to make it worth the trouble. If you feel obligated to respond, it's fine to just say something like, "Sorry, we aren't able to take on foreign nationals...
  8. tr

    The Shortening of Post-Graduate Training

    I'm not sure that I find this as alarming as all that. All our life milestones are moving out to older ages. People are living longer, and having longer productive careers as well. Why not accept these timelines as according with our longer lifespans and healthspans? I think the problem is...
  9. tr

    A question about Psych RXP laws? Collaboration agreements?

    Also teaching faculty here. Have taught med students, residents, and psychology PhDs. (My PhD is in basic neuroscience.) No contest that a psychology doctorate blows psych residency out of the water for psychotherapy training. But for someone with a specific interest, it's totally possible to...
  10. tr

    A question about Psych RXP laws? Collaboration agreements?

    It's both. The background in physiology and pathology is prerequisite for understanding the psychopharmacology. If you were already a licensed psychologist who wanted to be able to provide low risk medications to your existing patients without having to route them back through the medical...
  11. tr

    A question about Psych RXP laws? Collaboration agreements?

    Sorry just smh at this coming from someone who hasn't been through it. This sounds pretty smart actually. SSRIs are relatively low risk and useful for lots of things. This is a much more intelligent way to go about providing broader access to care while maintaining safety, vs dumping an...
  12. tr

    Commenting on patient's appearance

    In such a case I would just say "appropriately dressed and groomed, with facial scarring." Seriously, is there an argument for putting "unattractive appearance due to facial scarring" in a mental status exam??? It adds no information except to make the note writer look like a jerk.
  13. tr

    Commenting on patient's appearance

    I'd probably go with "well built" for that one
  14. tr

    Commenting on patient's appearance

    I don't know, I think this would be weird to put in someone's medical chart. At the very least, extreme attractiveness is pretty subjective. There's general agreement on which people are 'attractive' but 'crazy good looking' seems to be highly dependent on the observer. So I think this type of...
  15. tr

    Commenting on patient's appearance

    My default for the 'Appearance' entry in the MSE is "appropriately dressed and groomed". If there is a notable departure that is clinically relevant, I will remark it. E.g. sometimes I will say "attentively," "professionally," "casually," "very casually," or in the extreme case, "disheveled"...