Recent content by txprodigal

  1. T

    Best Q Bank for CME

    I learn best by doing questions and am interested in doing questions to stay fresh as an attending. I'm almost 10 years out of residency, and I have CME funds that need to be spent so cost isn't an issue. Any thoughts on using med study vs prep vs something else to help keep knowledge up to...
  2. T

    Part Time Pediatrics

    Anyone have a ballpark range for what a general pediatrician practicing exclusively outpatient pediatrics should expect for a part time position of 1-2 clinic days per week? Thanks in advance!
  3. T

    Commuting to Medical School

    if you have recorded lectures, it won't really matter your first two years. third year is where you might run into problems as an hour of your day is already set apart for the commute
  4. T

    Undergrad Perkins/Stafford loans get deferred right?

    yeah once you start school, they'll get deferred don't worry about it
  5. T

    If you were in my shoes...

    if you can see yourself as being happy going the MBA route and working in administration, i'd personally do that
  6. T

    Inches from dropping out

    could include previous undergraduate debt
  7. T

    what else can an MD do?

    you can always do consulting - i think harvard usually has a couple that go to mckinsey, bain, or one of those
  8. T

    If I can get obtain class syllabi/test, would it be effective to pre-study?

    too much to retain, you'll most likely forget it for your 1st test. it might be easier to relearn during the semester, but imo - not worth it. just start studying when school starts and enjoy your break.
  9. T

    How Much Time Do You Spend Studying

    if you're happy with your grades, you're studying enough. but if you're not happy, you need to study more! don't worry about your classmates. we all have different levels of abilities - some might have to study more than others to get the exact same grade
  10. T

    weight lifting and surgery

    i asked the same question a while back and what i got in reply was that you won't be competing for mr. olympia, but you should be able to maintain a decent routine if you make it a priority
  11. T

    Best way to cram Head and Neck

    if your school lets you hire TAs for tutoring sessions, do that. have them run you through all the structures and also quiz you
  12. T

    End of semester burnout

    a heavy workout at the gym and a good night's sleep? it always does the trick for me
  13. T

    I am so F****** sick of med students!!!

    skip classes, find a life outside of school, and show up for tests and 3rd/4th year
  14. T

    Muscle Strength

    recently covered it in physiology lecture... initial adaptation is better recruitment of motor neurons