Recent content by VPDcurt

  1. VPDcurt

    GS PGY3 burning out. Is decent work/life balance possible once BE/BC Attending?

    I was in your shoes a few years back. Was going to quit GS - but didn't have it in me to go into a different specialty - for me, in medicine, it was surgery or nothing. I was actually looking into law school for a minute or two there. I recently completed an MIS/Bariatric fellowship and I'm...
  2. VPDcurt

    QE results out today. Luckily I passed. Here is my study strategy...

    According to the ABS website, location and/or timing does not matter.
  3. VPDcurt

    VCU Cert Program 2016-2017

    FWIW, I am a historical figure on the boards these days but can say I did the program back in it's early days (started in Fall 2003, when on to finish MS in 2005). After a quick glance of the current website, it appears that the program has come a long way in terms of organization and...
  4. VPDcurt

    Anterior/posterior fascia in the abdomen???

    Yes both are talking about the sheath/fascia. I sure hope you weren't placing an ileostomy lateral to the rectus muscle!
  5. VPDcurt

    premed father of 3

    Compared to residency, med school is a walk in the park. As a med student, I too thought I was the busiest person around and that I had no free time whatsoever. Then I started residency and I had no idea (granted it was general surgery). Residency is a whole new ball game. During med school...
  6. VPDcurt

    Really messed up in undergrad.. Now making up for it through post bacc

    I was in a similar situation 13 years ago: low undergrad GPA, low MCAT score. Did a post-bacc/masters (~ 3.9 GPA) with a year of research, retook the MCAT and went up 9 points to a competitive score. Applied twice to medical school in the US, waitlisted at 3 places first time, waitlisted at 4...
  7. VPDcurt

    ABS Certifying Exam, aka Oral Boards

    Took my oral boards in January in Dallas. It was pretty much what I was expecting in terms of cases. Just about everything I did had a complication requiring specific management. The examiners were overall friendly but a bit stone-faced at times. Heard "are you sure you want to do that?"...
  8. VPDcurt

    Bariatric surgery
  9. VPDcurt

    MIS Fellowship Programs

    Since the application has finally closed, I figured I would start a thread here. Anyone else applying and/or have any comments regarding specific programs? I'm currently applying to 20 programs that are primarily non-bariatric in focus.
  10. VPDcurt

    Being a doctor - a vocation or a job?

    It is nothing more than a job.
  11. VPDcurt

    Healthcare Bill

    Prior to the passing of this bill, docs/hospitals were not allowed to turn patients away from the this bill did not change that whatsoever.
  12. VPDcurt

    Healthcare Bill

    You said it yourself. We can sit here and talk about hypothetical situations all day, but most individuals don't care to do so because it is a complete waste of time.
  13. VPDcurt

    Healthcare Bill

    Yes thanks I understand that. I'm talking about the status quo since there is no federal law granting medical licensure that I know of at least. Although as this president clearly has no limits on what he is willing to do, my whole theory on state licensing will probably be out the window by...
  14. VPDcurt

    Healthcare Bill

    Medical licenses are administered by the states, not the federal government. We are dealing with federal issues here.
  15. VPDcurt

    Healthcare Bill

    The government cannot force private physicians to see government-insured patients. Money would be much better spent by the gov offering to pay for the education of certain medical students willing to enroll in such a program that are then "forced" into a primary care track and "forced" to see...