Recent content by williestyle81

  1. W

    Who rocks the house? PCOM rocks the house!

    Welcome to PCOM surrender :)
  2. W

    I Am In Africa - Med In Ghana

    Please keep us informed of your experiences! Congrats :) -E
  3. W

    PCOM students-- a couple of ???

    LOLOLOL!! I meant its NOT as bad as people make it out to be
  4. W

    PCOM students-- a couple of ???

    I don't understand why ppl keep saying to stay away from Presidential. I live in the main building (Madison) and it's as bad as ppl make it out to be. At least I haven't had any terrible experiences. I can see how it might be loud in the other buildings, but that's because most of them house...
  5. W

    medical spanish

    hemanos= hermanos
  6. W

    medical spanish

    Slickness Si, hay Hispanos en Philly norte and sur. Tambien, Yo creo que Philly es un ciudad loca. La gente no puede (to drive??)..... Pero, me gusta. Es la ciudad del amor de los hemanos! :laugh:
  7. W


    Congrats Abram and Tim!!!!!! Welcome Aboard :clap: -E
  8. W

    medical spanish

    Tambien means "also", verdad? Yo necesito a practicar mi espanol mas. Estoy olvidando rapidamente!!! -E
  9. W


    Take a deep breath. Clear your mind (of excess stuff, not the test material). Then focus and try your best. ;) Best wishes, -E
  10. W

    Anyone interview at PCOM in November??

    Hello! I'm a first year at PCOM. Not to take over JPH, but if you have any questions, please PM me. (City Ave. and Conshohocken Ave. are popular areas to live) :) -E
  11. W

    Christian Residencies

    Religion can play a huge part in medicine. As doctors, we'll be dealing with life and death!!!! Patients may need to be comforted more than just through physical needs. Many hospitals have chapels. And yes, prayer/meditation has been linked with a longer life. :) -EMW
  12. W

    When would I hear back from PCOM

    I think the adcom at PCOM meets every 15th of the month. I interviewed on 11/13 (wednesday) and the interviewer mentioned them meeting that friday and that I'd know something before thanksgiving. Sure enough I got an acceptance letter (which was thick!!) on 11/25.:) -EMW
  13. W

    what is temple's FAP Waiver? strange email....

    yep, you can add me to the list of this strange temple email business:rolleyes:
  14. W

    drexel anyone

    i haven't even interviewed there yet
  15. W

    Tweetie bird

    Yay, Tweetie:clap: