Recent content by yaah

  1. yaah

    Uh Oh

    Who is worse? Her, or the people working for her who intimidated and threatened people on her behalf? I have never understood why the lawyers can get away with terrible behavior in cases like this (like how the Boies group was described in Carryrou's book). They're all dumping all the blame on...
  2. yaah

    SAMs and Patient Safety course no longer required by ABPath for MOC

    The patient safety course may still be required by state medical licensing, be careful! There are many states for which the CME and other requirements are actually more stringent than the ABPath requirements. Be careful because they can audit you and fine you.
  3. yaah

    Can you learn to enjoy grossing?

    It might be a little unusual to enjoy grossing, but it's certainly not unheard of. You have a bunch of work, every case is different, and you see all kinds of different things. There is a lot of routine and manual work too - if you are someone who likes routine and such, you might enjoy it. At...
  4. yaah

    Getting worried about the language of racism in healthcare...

    Let's please keep discussions on topic. There are other forums on this site for more general discussions, politics, healthcare in general, etc. Will leave this open for now.
  5. yaah

    Why no one has any trust in medicine and science in regards to COVID-19 now...

    "The media" (and by extension much of the public) wants quick fixes, simple explanations, and minimal nuance. That's why a story of one therapy and whether it works or not, becomes a huge point of discussion, even if it's at best a marginal solution, it has to be "good" or "bad." Not many people...
  6. yaah

    US Coronavirus Testing Capacity....Could Fail Again

    You are blaming big academia for Quest and Labcorp running out of capacity? Most of the large academic centers are doing their own testing and not having as much of a problem keeping up. Maybe that's not true down south though, I don't know.
  7. yaah

    Why are some threads redirecting to advertisement?

    ok i will flag it for you all.
  8. yaah

    Why are some threads redirecting to advertisement?

    I just clicked it and went to the thread. Have not seen any reports in mod forums about this.
  9. yaah

    Why are some threads redirecting to advertisement?

    I have not seen this happen. If you hover over the thread titles you will see the URL that they go to. If you click it and it's a different address, I don't know what to tell you, but report it to the site.
  10. yaah

    Fellowship advice for the current job market

    My group has a bunch of us who do general pathology plus something specialized and only 2 people have surg path fellowships. Eveyrone else has a subspecialty fellowship and/or heme or cyto. And we all sign out general path (which is everything not in a high-volume subspecialty but also includes...
  11. yaah

    Offers pulled from COVID-19 downturn thread

    The one offer we had we kept. I have also gotten a number of recruiter offers. Not sure if it's places actually struggling to find someone, or it's places struggling to hire someone without paying an arm and a leg. I would say that most of the recruiter offers I have gotten are looking for...
  12. yaah

    Req: breast pathology - resection specimen fixation, processing and hormone receptor assessment

    I'm not sure what you mean about denying specimens. No matter what the quality of the specimen you receive, you should do your best with it. It's not like they can go back and try again. If whoever is submitting it is not following guidelines for proper processing, then that becomes another...
  13. yaah

    Is the COVID denominator inaccurate?

    Two other illuminating studies: 1) Ohio prison has 73% of inmates testing positive (they're not all displaying symptoms), and 21% of all positive cases in Ohio are prisoners. 2) Homeless shelter...
  14. yaah


    Abbott just released a statement saying swabs in viral media should not be used because it reduces sensitivity (or something like that). Dry swabs only. The ones in our labs are coming back positive a reasonable percentage of the time. Have no way of knowing yet whether it's truly a significant...
  15. yaah

    Debate over wearing PPE in public

    Do they give you a mask if you don't have one? I know many people can sew but unless you're adept at stealing things from health care facilities or anywhere else that has a mask the only way to get one is to attempt to buy one. I don't think these rules are legitimate unless the masks are...