NSU-KPCOM (Fort Lauderdale/Davie) vs DMU

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New Member
Dec 7, 2023
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NSU-KPCOM (Fort Lauderdale/Davie)

  • Location (Fort Lauderdale)
  • Part of a larger well-established school with a beautiful campus
  • Very diverse area
  • Many opportunities to volunteer abroad (
  • OPP Fellowship that pays for years 3 & 4 (not 100%sure if will apply but am considering it)
  • Good rotations in South Florida
  • Would rather do a residency here than in the Midwest (the ideal scenario would be back in CA)
  • Higher C.O.L. (Tuition and Rent)
  • Board pass rates have fallen
  • No cadaver lab (have been told they have a “cadaver experience” and supposedly if you want to you have plenty of opportunities)
  • Many negative reviews/rumors online about unfriendly admin and systemic issues (don’t know how things have changed considering most posts are from 3 years ago)


  • Historic DO school and good reputation
  • Cadaver lab
  • Great board scores
  • New Campus
  • Cheaper C.O.L.

  • Small city/ rural area
  • Not ideal weather
  • Lottery for rotations (supposedly not affected by grades)
  • Heard rotations can be lackluster
  • Lack of diversity and culture in the area
  • Ideally don’t want to get stuck in the Midwest

It seems that both schools have no mandatory lectures, a letter grading system, and match into some competitive specialties. As for me, I’m from California so both schools are far. I have one friend at DMU in another program, but he will only be in the area for my 1st year. It seems that DMU may be the objectively better school but how much of a difference will that make in passing my boards and placing into the residency I desire? Any info or students at the schools I can message would be very helpful.

Also, @Goro, @chilly_md , @Faha I have seen you all on other threads and wondered if you have any insights into the programs or my decision as a whole. Appreciate any guidance you can provide. Thanks!

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