8 out of 10
8 out of 10
9 out of 10
40 minutes
At the school
In a group
Closed file
"Tell about yourself." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What problems are going to face pharmacy in the future." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How did you prepare yourself for the rigors of pharmacy school?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell about a time when you had to show initiative." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What do you believe is a problem that will be facing pharmacy in the future?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Review personal statement, essays, etc" Report Response
"The private school environment, all med students of some type" Report Response
"nothing" Report Response
"the only time to ask questions was after the dean spoke. There was no other time to ask questions, so get them in early....before group interviews and essays" Report Response
"the interview was good, try to be original with your responses..I think most people sound stupid and repetitive when they say ''I want to help people'' or ''I like helping people'' over and over. Make connections between your background and pharmacy..seems obvious, but not everyone did so." Report Response
9 out of 10
Out of state
4-6 hours
7 out of 10
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