Medical Charged but not convicted 11 years ago. It came up on the background check after matriculation. Input?

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SDN Chief Administrator
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15+ Year Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Hello everyone,
keeping this brief

11 years ago (i was 18) my roommate stole some of my belongings, we both pushed each other and both got charged with battery misdemeanor. Later when the other roommates testified that my roommate pushed me first and my push was self defense, my charge was amended to Non criminal disorderly conduct (multiple lawyers state unequivocally that this is a civil offense exactly like jay walking or speeding, only punishable by a fine, thus no criminal record or criminal convictions.)

this came up on my background check for a specific MD after acceptance (fbi background check) despite not coming up on aamc certiphi background check. the report states “2010, charged with misdemeanor battery, charges amended to non crim disorderly conduct”

how do you think the medical school will react? any words of advice from the learned members of this forum ? especially gonnif, goro or LizzyM ?
i appreciate all of your input. Thank you for the opportunity to ask this question.
It seems like due both to the actual charge and how long ago this was, this should be nothing. But I honestly feel that these kinds of "how will they react" questions are impossible to answer--you just need to talk to them. I would outline the situation as you did here.

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